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Hello. I've been reading these forums for a few days, and I thought I'd ask a few questions, if I may.


I have been thinking about a hair transplant for a while now. I am 36 years old, and my hair have been thinning for about 5 years. Just over a year ago, I started using Rogaine, which slowed/stopped the rate of loss. I had to give it up recently, as it started causing redness, flaking and itching of the scalp.


I have always had quite thick hair, and the hair loss is almost all on the crown. It has developed a thin/bald spot just over 2 inches in diameter, with nearly no loss at the front.


Previously, I responded to the thinning hair by cutting it very short. When cut down to about 0,3 cm length some loss is visible at the front.


I'll add a picture if I can get a better camera than my present one.


My questions primarily deals with concealment in the first 8 months or so after the operation. How long after the operation will it be visible/obvious that I have had surgery? And how obvious will the donor scar be if I continue keeping my hair short? Will keeping the hair short increase the chance of the transplant looking artificial 2 or more years down the road?


Additionally, as the area to be covered at the moment is limited, I was hoping to be able to stop/slow futher hair loss with Propecia. How realistic is this expectation?


Here I operate with a time horizon of 10 to 15 years.


Thank you for any help you can give me.

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Hello. I've been reading these forums for a few days, and I thought I'd ask a few questions, if I may.


I have been thinking about a hair transplant for a while now. I am 36 years old, and my hair have been thinning for about 5 years. Just over a year ago, I started using Rogaine, which slowed/stopped the rate of loss. I had to give it up recently, as it started causing redness, flaking and itching of the scalp.


I have always had quite thick hair, and the hair loss is almost all on the crown. It has developed a thin/bald spot just over 2 inches in diameter, with nearly no loss at the front.


Previously, I responded to the thinning hair by cutting it very short. When cut down to about 0,3 cm length some loss is visible at the front.


I'll add a picture if I can get a better camera than my present one.


My questions primarily deals with concealment in the first 8 months or so after the operation. How long after the operation will it be visible/obvious that I have had surgery? And how obvious will the donor scar be if I continue keeping my hair short? Will keeping the hair short increase the chance of the transplant looking artificial 2 or more years down the road?


Additionally, as the area to be covered at the moment is limited, I was hoping to be able to stop/slow futher hair loss with Propecia. How realistic is this expectation?


Here I operate with a time horizon of 10 to 15 years.


Thank you for any help you can give me.

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  • Regular Member

Good Morning Urask


Well i have to tell you that i did have the same concerns as yourself regarding h/t's . I am in sales and have to deal with people face to face and i was utterly concerned that my ht would be obvious to my clients . I was so wrong , i had a 3300 follicular unit ht back in June of this year . I have to tell you that i dont think anyone was wise to my surgery . I did take off ten days after my transplant and that was more than enough time to heal without notice .

I would say that i would let your hair grow a wea bit more to disguise your surgery , i just changed my hair style a bit ( combed forward ) , if my hair was too short i wouldnt have been able to do that .

I have to say the ONLY regret i have is that it was so easy i should have done it a few years ago . My donor scar is pretty large as i had a pretty big session but its pretty hard to see even right after you have it done ... i keep it a bit longer than before my ht , just until the scar fades a bit more .

So i would tell you from my expierence i would go for it ... i truly believe that it was one of the best things i have ever done in my life ... i am about the same age as you and i know what you are going through .

This site has coached me through all the questions that have come up after my transplant which has helped a great deal ... it seems to take forever to grow .... it doesnt really but your so excited to see new growth .

I feel as if i turned back the clock ten years with the hair i now have ... so i would say go for it just make sure you choose the right Doctor .

Good Luck !!!

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  • Senior Member

YOur donor scar will be concealed with at least 1 inch of hair length. THe HT after 3-4 weeks, is undetectable for the most part-- maybe a little redness- but suntan 1-2 weeks before surgery which helps blend in post op redness. The hair usually falls out in 2-4 weeks for a 3 month dormant period before regrowth-- so you will look like you did before.... IF it is just your crown, you will have no problem of consealing.

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