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No shedding with the use of finastride


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My history of hairloss


Born bald


Age0-2 ---->Bald


Age 12------>Started loosing hair in the temples.Honestly speaking i dont even remember having hair in the temples.


Age 15------->GRADE 2..receding hairline


Age 15-20---->Grade 2..hardly had any good hair days.hair is thin.not miniaturised hair.dry frizzy hair


Age 21------->Started thinning in the crown.Hairline receded further


Never really experienced any significant shedding.I just felt that the hair i lost didnt get replaced by new hairs


Been on finastride and minoxidil 5% for the past 2months.Didnt experience any sort of shedding with its usage as every1 usually does which lasts for a couple of weeks as reported.


No history of hairloss in my family.My dad,bro,all my cousins,uncles,both my grandfathers have a head full of hair.As from the photos i can see that my great grand father died being a Grade 3V i guess.PHew!!.And a generation above that i really dont have the records.


Am i suffering from male pattern baldness or am i just born with weak hair as i was bald for almost 2 yrs when i was born.A local dermatologist whom i visited told me that it was due to delayed reptilia.He himself was confused

and couldnt provide me a proper explaination.

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  • Regular Member



I guess I am just the unluckiest one in the family to be suffering from male pattern baldness.I have been on finastride and minoxidil 5% for the past 2 months.Didnt experience any kind of initial shedding whatsoever.Are the meds working for me?

I have read in some threads where its been said that initial shedding gives the sign that the meds are actually working

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  • Senior Member

Hey HaiRisWhere,


Shedding is possible during treatment with products such as Finasteride and Minoxidil (especially in the early stages) and as you have stated, it is generally seen as a sign that the drugs are working, however, I wouldn't be overly concerned about not experiencing this. Some people shed a lot, some a little, while others like yourself don't seem to notice any shedding though they still have positive results with both Finasteride, Minoxidil and many other products.

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Maxxy is right. A lack of shedding doesn't necessarily indicate that the medication isn't working for you. The best way to gauge if they are is to take bi-monthly photos for a year and compare them. If you haven't lost any additional hair, or it's improved some, they're probably working.


Best wishes,




P.S. I will be moving this thread to the "Hair Loss Drugs" section of the forum in a day or so.

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