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Unusual hair strand that sticks out

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There is a single hair strand that is completely different in texture and color from the rest of my hair (black hair). It looks almost white in appearance and the hair just sticks out, it doesn’t lay flat, can’t be styled or anything. I condition my hair frequently and it doesn’t make any difference.

I have to hide the strand under the rest of my hair for it not to be  noticeable. This is bothering me, I’m resisting the need to pluck it out because I don’t want to damage my scalp and I’m afraid it will just grow back again. I’ve never had any problem like this before surgery and the appearance of this hair strand is very unappealing.

Is there any reason that may have caused this? Any remedy? I fear with cutting or even plucking the hair out it’s going to keep returning.

Edited by Sunset Dune
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@Sunset Dune,

can you give us some more background in terms of your situation? For example, did you have a hair transplant? Assuming you did, what was the date of your procedure and how far along are you in terms of growth and results?

If this is your natural hair, and nothing to do with hair transplant surgery, there probably isn’t a lot anyone can say except… This is just the way your hair is growing naturally.

On the other hand, if this is a transplanted hair, the answer will depend on some of the questions I asked above. For example, the hair may have just recently broken through the scalp, and may still be the process of growing and maturing. A lot of newly transplanted hair starts to grow in thin and colorless, not to mention different in texture.  As the hair grows and matures, it will thicken, dark in and change and texture to be more like your natural hair.

So, in addition to answering the above questions, showing us some pictures would also be helpful. If you did undergo hair, transplant, surgery, I do suggest posting photos of your hair before surgery, immediately after surgery and then what your hair looks like now.

I hope this helps.

Bill - Rahal Hair Transplant


Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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