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Some post-op hair transplant questions

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So I just had my transplant a week ago and just wanted a second opinion on some questions.

1. How long do I have to avoid having my grafts being rubbed? I've been using a neck pillow for the past week but it isn't comfortable. When can I start sleeping on my side again? I've heard online that it's 10-14 days. Is 10 days long enough? What would happen if I rubbed my hairline/temples on the pillow. What can I also start touching the hair on my recipient area with my bare hands? When are the grafts fully secured that I don't have to worry about accidentally scratching them? 

2. Can I wash my hair by just pouring a jug of water instead of using the shower head? Also how often should I wash my hair? Doctor said 2-3 days is fine. Since the transplant I've washed it almost every day but did miss one day. Could this negatively affect my results? How often do I have to wash it when the scabs are off? What about after a month?

Before the transplant I would usually wash my hair about every 3 days as my hair is naturally quite dry and frizzy and I do have a slightly dry scalp. Also didn't want to risk getting telogen effluvium by washing it often. 

I'm only washing my hair with baby shampoo but since I have dry hair/scalp should I incorporate some sort of conditioner? Is there something like baby conditioner? Can only using baby shampoo have a negative effect on my transplant results?

3. Is it better to towel dry my hair immediately after the shower or let it air dry?

4. Can I wear a more fitted baseball cap after the 2 week mark? Can it also be placed on the hairline/temples?

5. Can having a restrictive diet effect regrowth and hairloss?

6. My doctor told me that I need to avoid drinking for 10 days post-op after which I can have 2-3 glasses per day. When I drink, I usually binge drink about 6-7 whisky/cokes every couple of weeks so when I can start doing this?

7. I was told that I can apply topicals to the transplanted area after a month but what if I get pimples on that area? Would it be better to refrain from using topicals until the 6-12 month mark?

8. Since minoxidil lowers blood pressure could this negatively affect regrowth of my transplanted hair since the transplanted follicles may not receive enough blood? I plan to resume oral minoxidil in a couple of days and topical in 3 weeks. 

I'll post my transplant journey either tomorrow or the day after once the scabs are fully off. 


Edited by TheDarkHour
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2 hours ago, TheDarkHour said:

So I just had my transplant a week ago and just wanted a second opinion on some questions.

1. How long do I have to avoid having my grafts being rubbed? I've been using a neck pillow for the past week but it isn't comfortable. When can I start sleeping on my side again? I've heard online that it's 10-14 days. Is 10 days long enough? What would happen if I rubbed my hairline/temples on the pillow. What can I also start touching the hair on my recipient area with my bare hands? When are the grafts fully secured that I don't have to worry about accidentally scratching them? 

2. Can I wash my hair by just pouring a jug of water instead of using the shower head? Also how often should I wash my hair? Doctor said 2-3 days is fine. Since the transplant I've washed it almost every day but did miss one day. Could this negatively affect my results? How often do I have to wash it when the scabs are off? What about after a month?

Before the transplant I would usually wash my hair about every 3 days as my hair is naturally quite dry and frizzy and I do have a slightly dry scalp. Also didn't want to risk getting telogen effluvium by washing it often. 

I'm only washing my hair with baby shampoo but since I have dry hair/scalp should I incorporate some sort of conditioner? Is there something like baby conditioner? Can only using baby shampoo have a negative effect on my transplant results?

3. Is it better to towel dry my hair immediately after the shower or let it air dry?

4. Can I wear a more fitted baseball cap after the 2 week mark? Can it also be placed on the hairline/temples?

5. Can having a restrictive diet effect regrowth and hairloss?

6. My doctor told me that I need to avoid drinking for 10 days post-op after which I can have 2-3 glasses per day. When I drink, I usually binge drink about 6-7 whisky/cokes every couple of weeks so when I can start doing this?

7. I was told that I can apply topicals to the transplanted area after a month but what if I get pimples on that area? Would it be better to refrain from using topicals until the 6-12 month mark?

8. Since minoxidil lowers blood pressure could this negatively affect regrowth of my transplanted hair since the transplanted follicles may not receive enough blood? I plan to resume oral minoxidil in a couple of days and topical in 3 weeks. 

I'll post my transplant journey either tomorrow or the day after once the scabs are fully off. 


It's typically recommended you use a modified version when washing your hair for 7 days.  You can return to normalcy after that.  It's also recommended you sleep at a 90 degree angle for the first 7 days.  You can also return to normal after 7.  (I gather you did FUE). The follicular units are secure under the scalp.  The first three days are the most critical, but for the sake of conservatism, most clinics will tell you 7-10 days.  

Washing daily and keeping the area clean is important.  Infections are rare but can happen.  Use the cup method for 7 days.  Washing does not cause effluvium.

You can pat dry.  Normal after 7 days. 

You can typically wear a cap after the procedure.  You can wear a cap all you want.  

Restrictive diets normally have no effect on hair unless it's extreme.  As long as you're getting your daily nutrients, you should be fine.

With regards to drinking, return to normalcy after 7 days.

Pimples right after the procedure are likely localized infections.  This is a clean but not a sterile procedure.  Bacteria can crawl into the aperture.  If this happens, return to the clinic and have the doctor prescribe what he deems appropriate to address the issue.  This can also happen 3-4 months later.  A dozen of them is common.  The follicle comes with a gland. The gland does not know what to do and blocks the hair. A pimple will form. Treat it like a zit and clean it. The hair will then start growing and the pimple will resolve itself.  

Rogaine is a vasodilator.  It's likely they'll ask you to stop using it a week prior to the procedure.  If you flood the field, the doctor will not be able to see what he's doing.  You can resume 10-12 days after the procedure.  You don't want to put this on open wounds - otherwise you'll feel the stinging sensation.  

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Patient Consultant for Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. 

I am not a medical professional and my comments should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own. 

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