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Recommendations regarding the best hair transplant clinics in Turkey

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Dear Community 

I have been bald for about 15 years and just shave my head completely.

I have been thinking about travelling to Turkey to get a FUE hair transplant for the most part of the 15 years that I have been bald and been following a number of clinics over that time. The trip has just never eventuated.

I know a number of people that have gone to Dr Serkan Aygin and have had really good results, however, recently, I have noticed quite a lot of negative reviews about his clinic on this network. The common issue i am seeing is that Dr Aygin does not appear to be involved in the process whatsoever, and the transplants are carried out by young inexperienced "technicians". 

The people that I know that have been to Dr Aygin's clinic had their transplants done over 5 years ago now, and it appears that the quality back then was quite good, but now his clinic is a hair mill, or a "churn and burn" clinic where they try and do as many patients as quickly as possible. Is this correct? 

In the circumstances, I am now considering revising my options and would like to know which clinics in Turkey people on this network recommend (based on quality, transparency and competency). 

I'm Australian and would have to travel quite far to get to Turkey, so i definitely want the community's input before i make the decision. My intention is to travel to Turkey in May 2024 for the procedure. 

Thank you very much in anticipation.


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Thanks for your comment jjalay. So your comments are based on the fact that you just never know who will be carrying out the transplant. Are you recommendations surgeons that have been vetted through the network? I am quite bald so would likely need someone who does 10,000 grafts plus (from what i have been told). 

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1 minute ago, bdenkha said:

Thanks for your comment jjalay. So your comments are based on the fact that you just never know who will be carrying out the transplant. Are you recommendations surgeons that have been vetted through the network? I am quite bald so would likely need someone who does 10,000 grafts plus (from what i have been told). 

If you need so many grafts you are a better candidate for fut and not fue. You may also need 2 surgeries to achieve the results that you want. Can you post some pictures?

What is your budget for the surgery?

These doctors have shown to provide consistenly good results and they have proven their ethics also.

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I was of the view that the FUT was an outdated method and FUE was now the more popular method. I am aware that I will need to two surgeries, I am comfortable with that. The reason i was considering Turkey was because the surgery was affordable. Hair transplants in Australia are $25k plus for 3000 grafts so it would be very costly. Ulimately, my budget was up to 10k including flights etc. 





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@bdenkha the best thing you have done is to avoid surgeons in Australia. I hope it wasn't due to the price but because you have done your research and seen that there is literally no one here that can hold a flame to elite surgeons overseas. But as a Norwood 6 going on Norwood 7 you should be focusing on surgeons who specialize in high Norwood patients. I would be looking at clinics like Eugenix who are able to utilize beard grafts in a natural way when added to scalp grafts. The same with Dr Pittella. Don't be in a rush and do lots of research on the forum on patients with advanced hair loss. All the best.

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In turkey the surgery is affordable but 99% of the clinics there are hairmills with botched jobs and in many cases patients end up in the need for a repair surgery which costs a lot more money just to get back to the situation they were before the surgery.

FUT is not updated, actually it is the gold standard for NW 6 patients that need a lot of grafts to get good cover. The advantage with fut is that you can get a lot of grafts with one surgery without thinning out the donor area. That leaves much room for a second surgery with fue or fut to cover the crown for example.

You live in australia, a very good option with great result in this forum is dr. Laorwong in Thailand. He offers both fue and fut and you can find cases like yours from him in this forum where he combined both fut and fue to achieve better density. He is much more affordable in compare to the doctors in australia too. I would strongly suggest you to have a consultation with him too.

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For afforable and safe options in Turkey you should consider Dr Yaman, Dr Gur, Dr Turan and Dr Demirsoy. All of these options are great ones and they charge around 1+ € per graft. So they should be around your budget. Good luck !

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