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Why do hair transplants from the same surgeon have different growth results?


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Hi, so I’ve been wondering recently on why do results differ patient to patient. If we take the same hair characteristics and ethnicity to be the same. Why do sometimes patients yield less growth than another patient from the same doctor? 

does this all come down to the individual patient themselfs or down to what technique the doctor and their techs used on the day? 

of course I want this to be an educational answer but seeing some really good results but then some guys complaining that their result didn’t do all that well.


any explanation would be always appreciated. Thanks all

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3 hours ago, Woody1000 said:

Hi, so I’ve been wondering recently on why do results differ patient to patient. If we take the same hair characteristics and ethnicity to be the same. Why do sometimes patients yield less growth than another patient from the same doctor? 

does this all come down to the individual patient themselfs or down to what technique the doctor and their techs used on the day? 

of course I want this to be an educational answer but seeing some really good results but then some guys complaining that their result didn’t do all that well.


any explanation would be always appreciated. Thanks all

Both. I would say it’s genetics and possibly what happens on the day of surgery. 

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There will always be variations in results of a hair transplant due to the following reason:

Individual Differences: Each person's hair characteristics, including hair type, texture, color, and growth pattern, are unique. These inherent differences can influence how transplanted hair integrates with existing hair and how well it thrives after the procedure.

Donor Hair Quality: The quality and quantity of hair available for transplantation from the donor area can vary among individuals. Some people may have a more abundant and robust donor area, while others may have limitations in terms of available hair follicles.

Healing and Recovery: This is one of the most important factor which people don't give enough consideration.The body's healing and recovery processes can differ from person to person. Factors like blood circulation, immune response, and overall health can impact how well the transplanted hair grafts survive and grow.

Post-Operative Care: The success of a hair transplant also depends on how well the patient follows post-operative care instructions. Proper care of the transplanted area, including cleaning, avoiding trauma, and taking prescribed medications, can significantly affect the outcome.

Progressive Hair Loss: Hair loss is often a progressive condition. Even after a successful hair transplant, a person's natural hair may continue to thin or recede over time, potentially requiring further procedures to maintain a consistent appearance.

Expectations and Goals: Individual expectations and goals for the hair transplant may differ. Some individuals may desire a dense, natural-looking result, while others may be content with a more modest improvement. These varying expectations can influence how satisfied a person is with the outcome.

Skill and Technique of the Surgeon: While the surgeon's skill and experience are crucial, even the best surgeons cannot control all the variables mentioned above. However, choosing a skilled and experienced surgeon can certainly increase the chances of a successful outcome.

Evolution of Techniques: Hair transplant techniques and technology continue to evolve. Depending on when a person undergoes the procedure, advancements in surgical methods and tools may affect the results.

So the variability in hair transplant results is multifaceted and influenced by both individual factors and the complexities of the procedure itself. While selecting a qualified surgeon is important, it's essential for individuals to have realistic expectations and understand that there will always be some degree of variation in outcomes due to these factors.


—> The outcome of a hair transplant can vary for the same individual undergoing the procedure multiple times with the same surgeon due to several factors:

1. Natural hair loss progression: Hair loss can continue even after a successful transplant, leading to the need for additional procedures to maintain or improve results.

2. Limited donor hair: The availability of donor hair from the patient's own scalp is finite, so the surgeon may have less to work with in subsequent procedures.

3. Healing and scarring: Scarring from previous surgeries can affect the outcome of subsequent transplants, potentially making it more challenging to achieve natural-looking results.

4. Individual response: How an individual's body responds to each surgery can vary depending on multiple factors on and following the surgery day,influencing the success of each transplant.

Hence, the outcome of multiple hair transplants for the same person can also differ based on various factors.

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Check Out My Hair Transplant Journey

--> My Thread

3611 FUE Grafts With Dr Kongkiat Laorwong | Norwood 5 | 2nd May 2023 




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On 9/12/2023 at 9:51 AM, A_4_Archan said:

Skill and Technique of the Surgeon: While the surgeon's skill and experience are crucial, even the best surgeons cannot control all the variables mentioned above. However, choosing a skilled and experienced surgeon can certainly increase the chances of a successful outcome.

May I add to this the variety of techs/assistants that operate at a specific clinic. A clinic where the doc almost does all the work him-/herself has the same results most of the time. Good or bad..

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