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Advice on transplant


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Hi I've been more of a lurker on reddit since the start of the year and only recently discovered this site a couple of months now. I'm hoping to get a transplant soon and from Reading some great stories and results on this forum I feel this is my best bet for some advice. I tried with finasteride maybe 4 years ago and got some serious sides so stopped that. Didn't do much about things until my hair really start bothering me more about a year ago i done some prp and microneedling sessions and I started topical finasteride and minoxidil and have been applying it for 7 months now without any sides. Anyway il post a picture and any advice is much appreciated. I wouldn't be in top end budget 6-8 k maybe thanks. 



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  • Regular Member

Hi ye maybe I missed that bit first time posting sorry 😐 was just hoping for some recommendations on a good doctor for my stage of hair loss at my price range thanks. 

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  • Regular Member

Thanks for the reply. I've been speaking to Eugenix and looking at Dr Das I know the budget is a bit more but do u think she would be a good fit for what I need. I've been told 3700 grafts all from donar area 

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Good that you are at least on topical medication which can help you...the first thing to do in a case like you is to stabilise your hairloss progression ..you have got good amount of native hairs and if your hairloss progression isn't stabilised thn HT will not solve your problem as you will implant new hairs but will keeping on loosing your native hairs and you will be back in the same situation in near future....so unless you see your hairloss is stabilised or it is slowed down to certain extent imo you should not attempt surgery...

You can consult a good doctor and even try oral ones if topical don't help you...i can understand your concern regarding side effects but there is thing called micro dosing ...a dosage which is very low and set specifically for you which can help your hair and cut down those side effects....so i would say try setting a personalised dosage ..there are other therapies like PRP and some mesotherapies which can help you ..even some doctors are doing dutasteride mesotherapy which is working for some people....but this all can be done once you consult a good doctor and don't do evrything on your own...so do this for an year and than reassess your situation and make a long term plan...

I know this is a boring/unsought advice but believe me this will help you.

Still if you wish to explore good budget doctors than i am sharing a list which you can go through ...though don't take the list at face value and do your own research and even ask for opinions of other members..just take this list as a source of information regarding names of good budget doctors you can consult with and this based on my experience and research and personal preference and there may be other better doctors as well who are not included in this...

 1 to 2 euros per graft - dr kongkiat laorwong ,dr gur, dr turan ,dr demirsoy ,dr michalis georgiou , Eugenix (lower packages)dr christina (hdc clinic),dr Espinosa (medecap clinic),dr fares seffen, Choiexpert, dr ibrahim jebai.

You mentioned about dr das and imo she is doing good work and you cn consider her...i hope this helps you ...best of luck ....



Check Out My Hair Transplant Journey

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3611 FUE Grafts With Dr Kongkiat Laorwong | Norwood 5 | 2nd May 2023 




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  • Regular Member

Hi thanks for the reply and great information. I just read all your post and really enjoyed it and your hair looks brilliant a great job and I'm sure with the second phase it will be unrecognisable you ever had hair loss 👌 i think my hair has stabilised from when I start using the topical finasteride 7 months ago. I have been taking monthly photos and I also went for 5 prp and microneedling sessions over that period which I think helped. I am also thinking of starting on a lower dose of oral finasteride and see how it goes and give it a try. Il know quick enough how it goes as last time i think it was less than a week before i had to stop. Do you think I should still wait for another while before considering transplant. I was thinking November for transplant. Its a good time I think while in winter. Thank you for the list I will have a look at them all later but I am reading a lot of good stories on Eugenix at the moment i haven't come across a bad one yet they seem very good. 

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  • Senior Member

It's better you'll upload donor photos with a bit longer hair including sides head donor to understand better your potential.

Doron Harati - Patient coordinator for HDC Hair Clinic, HT procedures are done by MD Doctors with Microscope FUE.

For consultation contact me: WhatsApp +972526542654


HDC Instegram: https://instagram.com/doronhairadvisor_hdc?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

* All comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice, all comments are only the personal opinions of the poster.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Thanks for those appreciating words and good to know that my post are being helpful to you..yeah am kust short of 4 months and evrythng is going good as of now ...

You donor seems to be looking okay.. i can see some thinning at some spots but i guess harsh lighting can be reason for that...

If you are considering oral medication than you should consult a good doctor amd start it soon as its always better to start medication few months prior to surgery...this will make you a better candidate for HT....

Though you may shortlist few doctors and consult them and see what they advice you....

Check Out My Hair Transplant Journey

--> My Thread

3611 FUE Grafts With Dr Kongkiat Laorwong | Norwood 5 | 2nd May 2023 




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