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Sugery with Dr. Glenn Charles

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Hi, everyone,I have been a lurker on this forum and other hair loss forums for a while now. Firstly, I want to thank you all for helping me to relate to my hairloss and better deal with it, as I have obtained some valueable insight here(I hope I can help others in the future). To make a long story short, I've always been slightly bothered by my hairline, even when I was a teenager. I've been researching hair loss for a while now and at the age of 24, I decided to take the plunge and get my hairline and temples worked on(my temples are especially a bummer for me). After researching around and starting finasteride about 3 months ago, I went through with a strip transplant of 1521 grafts with Dr. Charles in Boca Raton, Florida, this past Monday the 16th. I was pretty amazed at how professional everyone was, from the doctor, to the techs and the rest of his staff. They definitely made me feel comfortable. My procedure started around 10 a.m. and the initial anesthesia injections were admittedly painful(but not as bad as I imagined them), but the rest of the procedure went smoothly. We took a break for lunch around noon, and ultimately I was done around 2:45. In the end, I wound up getting about 500 extra grafts put in because I would like to have density in the hairline. I was given these extra graft at a great discount usual cost of about $4.000/graft vs $2.50/graft for the extras. Admittedly, my hair loss is not that bad and I am young, but with the realization that I will most likely need additional work in the future, along with the fact that I would be satisfied with much less density further back in my crown(also have above average donor hair), I decided to go for the extra grafts. Again, Dr. Charles was straight forward with me about everything and readily answered my questions. His staff was very nice and on my 3rd day of recovery, I feel pretty good outside of some slight swelling in my forehead and a bit of pain in the donor area (nothing a couple of tylenol can't help). For those who have done research (you are smart for doing this, not that I even need to tell most of you), look into this procedure. I do admit that I am not looking forward to the "doldrums" of the next several months, and I am nervous about the density in the end, but I'm pretty sure I will be satisfied with my result. Again, thank you to Dr. Charles and staff, and thank you to this knowledgeable community for your support and understanding about hair loss and it's effects on us as people.

P.S. I know a picture is worth a 1000 words, and I will post some pre- and post op pics soon when Dr. Charles sends them to me (I forgot my own camera). Thanks again, and if any of his previous patients have any words of encouragement for me, please feel free to let them be known! Have a good day all!

If you wanna scream, scream with me....

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  • Regular Member

Hi, everyone,I have been a lurker on this forum and other hair loss forums for a while now. Firstly, I want to thank you all for helping me to relate to my hairloss and better deal with it, as I have obtained some valueable insight here(I hope I can help others in the future). To make a long story short, I've always been slightly bothered by my hairline, even when I was a teenager. I've been researching hair loss for a while now and at the age of 24, I decided to take the plunge and get my hairline and temples worked on(my temples are especially a bummer for me). After researching around and starting finasteride about 3 months ago, I went through with a strip transplant of 1521 grafts with Dr. Charles in Boca Raton, Florida, this past Monday the 16th. I was pretty amazed at how professional everyone was, from the doctor, to the techs and the rest of his staff. They definitely made me feel comfortable. My procedure started around 10 a.m. and the initial anesthesia injections were admittedly painful(but not as bad as I imagined them), but the rest of the procedure went smoothly. We took a break for lunch around noon, and ultimately I was done around 2:45. In the end, I wound up getting about 500 extra grafts put in because I would like to have density in the hairline. I was given these extra graft at a great discount usual cost of about $4.000/graft vs $2.50/graft for the extras. Admittedly, my hair loss is not that bad and I am young, but with the realization that I will most likely need additional work in the future, along with the fact that I would be satisfied with much less density further back in my crown(also have above average donor hair), I decided to go for the extra grafts. Again, Dr. Charles was straight forward with me about everything and readily answered my questions. His staff was very nice and on my 3rd day of recovery, I feel pretty good outside of some slight swelling in my forehead and a bit of pain in the donor area (nothing a couple of tylenol can't help). For those who have done research (you are smart for doing this, not that I even need to tell most of you), look into this procedure. I do admit that I am not looking forward to the "doldrums" of the next several months, and I am nervous about the density in the end, but I'm pretty sure I will be satisfied with my result. Again, thank you to Dr. Charles and staff, and thank you to this knowledgeable community for your support and understanding about hair loss and it's effects on us as people.

P.S. I know a picture is worth a 1000 words, and I will post some pre- and post op pics soon when Dr. Charles sends them to me (I forgot my own camera). Thanks again, and if any of his previous patients have any words of encouragement for me, please feel free to let them be known! Have a good day all!

If you wanna scream, scream with me....

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Leeson, great question. To clarify, he asked me prior to taking the strip out. I think he realized that with the size of my head, the density would be lacking with the previously estimated 1000 grafts(plus the fact that my forelock has been thinner compared with the rest of my hair for a long time now, so he planted some within the existing hairs).If he had asked me after the fact, I would have been very upset, because that would almost be like cornering me and forcing me to spend the money! Luckily, this wasn't the case. Have you had a procedure before? I haven't really been here long enough to know who has and hasn't....Thanks for your interest!

If you wanna scream, scream with me....

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Yeah, he said I had a lot of viable donor hair, which is comforting considering that I will probably be down this road again in the future. Nice to see that you went with Hasson. Like you, I've read countless good things about him on here and elsewhere. Grow well!

If you wanna scream, scream with me....

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