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So I have a transplant scheduled for the end of the year. I am stuck between which option I want to go with. I am wanting to achieve good density. The doctor said I don’t have any miniaturization in crown or midscalp. I am 35 years old and am on Dutasteride and oral minoxidil. My mom sides are all nw 3 to 4 max. My dads side has some nw 6. For what it’s worth I look like my moms side. Doctor said he can do 3,000 grafts to lower hairline and reinforce the whole frontal third and forelock or said I can go with 2,000 grafts which would give the new hairline and fill in recession. My only fear going with 2,000 grafts is my forelock continuing to recede then I’m left with a gap between new hairline. If I go with 3,000 grafts I have the insurance that the hair transplant will stand-alone but then I don’t have the extra grafts in the bank if future loss exists. Also if I go with 3,000 grafts the surgery won’t be completed in just one day. What do you guys think? Thanks for the help. 





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In all respects and in my point of view, that hairline drawing is far too low. Way way way too low. The lower the less natural looking it will turn out.

I advise you save those grafts for future use incase you continue losing in your scalp.

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When he measured the tip of chin to nose and nose to brows and brows to hairline this is what he came up with. I think the leading edge of the hairline can be where it is but maybe have some more natural recession as opposed to straight on the sides…? 

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There are engineering principles that apply to each of us universally when it comes to hairline design.  The Rule of Thirds, is exactly what's being discussed and the principle many doctors adhere to.   But you're forgetting one thing!  The pattern. 

Review the Norwood chart and notice the progression.  As patterns advance many things happen.  The hairline recedes.  The corners become deeply recessed.  The crown starts to expand.  As you get to a class 5, only a bridge remains.  By 6, the bridge is gone.  Class 7 the donor dips considerably.

Look at your own case and notice what has happened.  As others have suggested, and to be pattern appropriate, why not reinforce and work within the confines that you have?  It's a lot easier to tweak and add in the future.  It's impossible to remove grafts.  If you do start too low, you'll be painted into a corners.  You'll have to use a lot of the resource and, depending on what happens in the future with ongoing loss, you may not have enough donor to address it.  Be judicious with your grafts.  The donor is finite and very limited. 

Glad to hear you're on some sort of regimen to help you mitigate the progressive nature of this condition. 

Patient Consultant for Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. 

I am not a medical professional and my comments should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own. 

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14 minutes ago, Recession1 said:

No it’s above the muscles. LaserCaps I appreciate your reply… so what are you suggesting to raise the proposed hairline? 

Yes, about a cm.  Come down on the corners to minimize some of the recession, parabola shape.  Leave the tip of the forelock as is.  

Patient Consultant for Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. 

I am not a medical professional and my comments should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own. 

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My problem is I have a tall forehead. How about bringing the frontal forelock point down just a little  to make forehead look smaller and and then not going straight across but creating more of a U with some recession? I feel like the frontal center point height is what makes forehead look big or small…. I would rather have a broad forehead than a tall forehead I guess… does that make sense? 

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I think the main reason he thought it was okay to aggressive is because my age, medication, he said I have no miniaturization in my donor, nape, or sides or crown of midscalp. He said my donor is a dense forest and estimated 8,000 grafts available as of now. Here is a picture of my donor…. He said lots of volume in it. 


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No need to go so low imo, you can get a very age suitable hairline with it slightly higher that will look great with density. Even though you probably have a strong donor, its best to keep more grafts for more density down the line, thats my opinion. Curious how long you've been on dutasteride for?

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im just jealous you have a completely full and natural crown 🤷‍♂️

I think you are overstressing about all of this. if you are going to a good doctor just listen to their plan. 

You seem to be a very stabilized 35 yr old and you are only having your 1st HT - your case is relatively small potatoes compared to a lot of guys on here.

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  • Valued Contributor

@Recession1 you got damn good donor...hairline is subjective thing..some likes it lower and other like an age appropriate one...its you who have to look at yourself everyday and not anyone else..so you should take this decision and don't look for suggestions..just look into mirror and imagine yourself having the hairlines you are considering....this can give you some idea...you may click some pictures of yourself and use photo editor apps to get some idea....

But yeh if you are lowering it than choose a doctor who is good at creating natural hairlines as pulling off a natural hairline is an art specially when you lower it to a certain degree and very few doctors possesses this art...best of luck...

Check Out My Hair Transplant Journey

--> My Thread

3611 FUE Grafts With Dr Kongkiat Laorwong | Norwood 5 | 2nd May 2023 




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19 hours ago, Recession1 said:

Finasteride since age 24 and now 2.5mg of Dutasteride daily and 5mg oral minoxidil daily for the past year. 

Just curious, what grade were you when you started finasteride, how much did it help you and why did you switch to dutasteride? Did you observe any additional regrowth on dutasteride?

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So I started as probably a NW 2… I noticed I had just a little bit of frontal thinning but nothing major but definitely the early signs of hair loss at age 23. Jumped on finasteride and topical minoxidil. It stopped shedding and a little thickening…. That held things at bay all the way to 28 then it was just slow loss from there until 33 but only recession points. I noticed the last 2 years some minor thinning nothing noticeable to others all over the top my head jumped on oral minox and Dutasteride 2.5mg a day and in the last year to 2 definitely thickened up hair and made it grow fast. In my opinion Dutasteride is the best for keeping things at bay but I think it was the oral minoxidil that made the noticeable difference. Even in my donor it has thickened hairs. 

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  • Valued Contributor

You are on the best medical combination IMHO. However looking at the pics you have supplied and the demarcation line for the new hairline it is too low. I would raise it so that it begins where your natural hairline still shows. Those grafts are better served left in the bank or for a further surgery in the future. But medically you are doing everything right. 👍

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