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concerned w/propecia


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  • Regular Member

its been 6 days and right off the bat i started having some side effects....testicular pain, watery sperm, weaker erections, weaker/no morning erection.....i got the absolute crap scared outta me by propeciahelp.com. Have any other propecia users had similar issues?....is this just my system getting used to it and resetting? do these sides subside over time or get worse....?

Any insight would be helpful...im at a quick cross road as to whether or not to stop (before its too late) or stick it out....Thoughts?

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I would stop for 3 weeks, and re-start with a gradual dosage (i.e. few times a week, very low dosage, upgrading gradually to normal dosage after 1 month). Then, if you experience side effects in the future, just skip a day, or two.


I've seen this gradual dosage method working countless of times. Initial problems with finasteride happen often. Don't worry, your body should get used to it.

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  • Regular Member

ok...sounds like a good idea.....im just amazed at how fast this has effected my body....i know there are many that think these side effects are in our heads...but i gotta tell ya, these symptoms occured before i even knew they were symtoms.....i know the mind is a powerful thing, but evidently, so is propecia

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im just amazed at how fast this has effected my body....


I was too...


watery semen usually stays for very long as a side effect according to some doctors. So it's better to get used to it, and is not a sign of danger or anything. No big deal, at least you keep your hair.

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  • Regular Member

so i didnt take a pill this am...the pain in my testies has subsided....interestingly, i went to mass general hostipal today to talk to my doctor...he said i shouldnt be concerned...and i should try to test it again...if i wait a few days/week and then try again and have sides then maybe its just not for me....


i find it odd that sides would occur so quick then subside after missing 1 morning...any thoughts?

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  • Senior Member
i find it odd that sides would occur so quick then subside after missing 1 morning...any thoughts?


Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying to EVERYBODY that has adverse effects with finasteride... JUST SKIP A DAY when you have sides coming back (after a withdrawal period if necessary, with gradual dosage when restarting) icon_cool.gif


For some reason, some people think it's coincidental and that method does'nt work... but it-just-does-work. icon_smile.gif Maybe I should patent that method, write a book, and guarantee the results... and make tons of money in the process (joking)


Some will keep using finasteride and start to use all these supplements to deal with the side effects of finasteride, while in fact they just mess even more with the fragile balance of their hormonal system.


The human body is quite phenomenal and complex. We should trust its unique ability to re-establish its hormonal balance naturally after these kind of events.

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  • Regular Member

What is the recomended dosage? I'm currently taking 1.25 and I've just recently noticed a drop in sex drive. I can still have sex several times a night, but it seems as though I have less interest. I actually noticed I don't recover as fast. Any thoughts or recomendations?

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Propecia Side Effects


A number of males have suffered erectile dysfunction, impotence, low libido and gynecomestica after using Propecia. The shattering truth for these males is that the side effects did not disappear after ceasing finasteride. The shattering truth is that years later these individuals are still suffering in silence with a seriously reduced quality of life due to erectile dysfunction and impotence. It is not know exactly what causes these changes and how to screen individuals before treatment.

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  • Regular Member

so after feeling better yesterday after taking a day off...i took a pill this am....so i guess im willing to give it a go....there seems to be many with side effects and still using....are there any out there that had sides that went away after a little while....i know there are those on the propeciahelp.com site that claim to have long term damage...are there people here that are having similar experiences?


honestly, im still a little nervous about doing some lng term damage to myself....thoughts?

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I tried all different methods to taking finasteride. I took one every second day, lowered my dosage even stopped and started. Unfortunately nothing stopped my side effects so I stopped taking it. After a month off the drug i'm almost back to 100%. My libido is back and i'm much happier. Propecia is not for everyone... Good luck with whatever you decide.


SERIOUS, there is no way you can guarantee your method works for everyone. Thats a ridicilous statement.

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SERIOUS, there is no way you can guarantee your method works for everyone. Thats a ridicilous statement.


Hey dude, after I mentioned "guarantee"... at the end of that "same" sentence, I wrote "joking".


So before you say something is ridiculous, learn to read a whole sentence. Maybe it's your tinnitus.


I've seen that method helping countless of people, doesn't mean it can help everybody.


That being said, from what I have seen over many years, it helped the majority of people who tried it. Hence my desire to share it.


And I agree with Blondie from your tinnitus thread, if you consider propeciahelp.com a reliable and scientific source to help you out, then good luck. You'll need effexor, not propecia.

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Despite what you think SERIOUS, Propeciahelp serves a purpose. You are one of the lucky people who experienced sides and they subsided. I tried everything to keep taking propecia but after it all failed I realised I couldn't take it.

I don't need idiots like you using personal comments to get your point across to me. There is no need to take a cheap shot at me and bring up my tinnitus to strengthen your argument.

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There was no need to say that what I wrote to help out others was "ridiculous", when it's clearly not, and when you don't even care to make sure of the context before throwing "insults".


If I'm an idiot, then I guess you're an imbecile. A cheap shot may attract one in return.


That being said, I'm truly sorry that a balding brother cannot sustain propecia, for the time being. For your information, in all these years of research about hairloss I have seen people trying it years later with a good response and no sides. I sincerely hope you will find a solution, and let's put this misunderstanding behind us if you don't mind.


p.s. After ingestion, a single dose of .25mg of finasteride could inhibit 5ar reductase activity (commonly DHT) to very interesting levels for more than a week. The curve of normalization that follows might create some 5ar fluctuation, but still might be stable enough to give you positive results at a dose of 1/4 propecia a week, while probably eliminating side effects. This might be just enough to keep that hair (for a while) in the back of the crown that you want in order to ensure good results from your HT, and gradually start to create a tolerance effect from your body, giving you room to boost the dosage in the future.

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