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2746 FUE with Dr. David Josephitis of Shapiro Medical Group

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Thanks, ALittelTeal! I'm quite happy with how it's going. It still feels a bit thin on the right side, which has become more obvious as it's grown out -- not the thinness directly, but more so that due to lower density, the hair doesn't stand as high compared to the left side. It feels a bit wiry which I think is typically a problem that resolves itself over the 9-12 month range, but we'll see. Either way, I'm extremely pleased with the result.

Ten months (4/20/24)

Had to try on a suit to make sure it still fit for a friend's wedding coming up and figured I'd take update pictures while I was at it. Please ignore the up-turned collar, as I apparently did until cropping the photos just now. Also need to clean up my beard, it's been getting rather disgusting lately.






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Eleven months (5/28/24)

Ended up cutting hair rather short due to a mishap trying to cut the top of my head myself, and I ended up trimming the top to an 8 guard. I should probably start paying for haircuts again. I probably won't, but I should.

To be honest, don't notice much difference compared to the previous month, but maybe there's something there. Hard to tell given at first, hair was a fair bit longer than last month, and then now is quite a bit shorter.






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This turned out very well. I like that you didn't try to get a low hairline and instead just sort of thickened up what was already there. Sometimes that's the best way to go because it doesn't change what you look like, but yet you look a lot better because the hair is much thicker.


On 7/5/2023 at 11:02 PM, davidjosepha said:

I was a pretty bad alcoholic and hadn't even been to a dentist in 6 years because I kept putting off finding one and making an appointment, so I definitely wasn't in a position to do the research necessary to find a decent hair transplant surgeon. Got sober a year and a half ago and finally got around to making all the appointments I had been putting off, including around a hair transplant.


When I went back to look at your "Before" pictures I read the section above and wanted to comment. It's great that you were able to get your life back together and on the right track. Years ago I was in a very bad place and just kept spiraling downward for a while, so I know how hard it is to turn things around and start heading in the right direction again. Great job.


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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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