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So, I have heard good things about Dr Turan, Gur and Yaman on this forum so I have contacted them.

So, far I have information from Dr Turan and Yaman. Dr Turan's represantative said I need to be on medicine for a year before considering an operation, so basically he is not willing to operate on me right now. The person on the phone who speaks for Dr Turan said because it takes a full year to see the effects of the medication and Dr Turan is afraid I will have an "island" on my head without pills. I assume doctor Gur won't operate on my either, because they are from the same clinic. So my other option is Dr Yaman...?

Dr Yaman is willing but he wants to use beard hairs and plus donor area. I have had an operation before when I was 25. Now I am 34. Back then they took too many grafts from me to fill in the sides and lower my hairline a little bit.

I am willing to try the pills, but I was hoping to take the pills and go for an operation. Going around for one more year with this bald head will be really hard mentally. I am a bit confused with this situation. I did a lot of research and now it feels like also it was for nothing. 

I want to just book a ticket and go within two weeks, but is it wise? I have never heard that you need to take pills for a year and then that a doctor will consider an operation? I always thought you can be operated on and take pills at the same time. Hard decisions. Please give me your opinion.

Hopefully this thread can become better. I will update it so others can learn from it too if they are in a similar situation. 









Edited by booyaka7777
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It's difficult. I'd say you need to at least start finesteride and take it for 2 or 3 months to show you can tolerate it. 

The odds are it will slow down your hair loss. The question is, if it doesn't could you tolerate a head of hair that looks unnatural as your hair continues to fall?

The reason you've been advised 12 months is because you have limited donor capacity combined with relatively major hair loss so you cannot continue with multiple transplants to combat further hair loss. With 12 months medical therapy you'll know whether or not you can continue on the medication (for life) and whether it is effective for you specifically.

It's all about how much risk you are personally prepared to take. The doctors are showing ethical behaviour - don't choose an unethical doctor because of that!

Edited by BackFromTheBrink
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I don't care much about my beard. I think I look okay without it, but I care about the hair. So worst case scenario could't they just use the hairs on my beard for my head? I also don't expect to have hairs like I am 16 years or something, but at least not bald. So I am not so concerned about my hair being super thick.

So, besides Dr yaman and Demirsoy. Would you recommend guys somebody else?

Edited by booyaka7777
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It's not about the surgeon, it's about a long term approach. 

Generally you need to blend beard and scalp hair to retain the illusion.

What are you looking for - a surgeon that won't insist on medication? There are plenty, some of them are very reputable.

However, I would say you really should give some consideration to waiting for a surgery that will change how you look permanently.

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the reasons its advised to use meds one year before HT are that:

1)if any of the hair follicles in your bald/balding areas are still alive even if miniaturized a lot and can be revived ( aka regrowth ) then its best to try this before going for HT because they may not survive the HT trauma(shock loss) or are easily going to be transected. you would have seen people who look completely bald and get insane/ decent regrowth from meds sometimes so why not take chance that you may be one of them before going for surgery. If they would have done HT first then they might not have got back their existing miniaturized hairs back.

2)if you get any regrowth then well and good (consider yourself lucky as complete turnaround is always rare) . the main thing is that meds will thicken your existing hair(which have miniaturized only a little bit) and surgeon can get idea which areas are thick enough and which areas need the illusion of density with transplanted hair. (where meds didnt help)

both meds and HT helps to provide coverage for scalp and its best to use them when they are most effective.

Edited by duckling
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13 minutes ago, booyaka7777 said:

I don't care much about my beard. I think I look okay without it, but I care about the hair. So worst case scenario could't they just use the hairs on my beard for my head? I also don't expect to have hairs like I am 16 years or something, but at least not bald. So I am not so concerned about my hair being super thick.

So, besides Dr yaman and Demirsoy. Would you recommend guys somebody else?

can you tell the budget ? based on that lot of surgeons can be recommended. the surgeons you have currently named are best in the 1-1.5 euro per graft category in turkey.

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I can pay maximum 5000 euro for the procedure. Thanks for your opinions guys. Yes. I will definitely try the medicine. Cheers. I am currently staying in Poland. I am geussing I have to get in touch with a hair surgeon here and talk to him about such medicine?

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2 hours ago, booyaka7777 said:

I can pay maximum 5000 euro for the procedure. Thanks for your opinions guys. Yes. I will definitely try the medicine. Cheers. I am currently staying in Poland. I am geussing I have to get in touch with a hair surgeon here and talk to him about such medicine?

I would agree with what @BackFromTheBrinkand @ducklingsaid


Doctors who advised you to be on medication are right even though you may not find it convenient...good doctor will not always please you..for the sake of the betterment you sometimes need to take a hard route....you are already handling this situation since few years so just be strong and handle for at least 8-10 months more(with medication)....you asked that is it wise or not and i would say its not wise at all though you may not like my comment but it is fact...i am not trying to demoralise you or scare you my friend but trying to make you understand so you don't take any hasty decision...few months wait will not make much of a difference ..and don't let this affect you mentally ...there are many more people who are bald or having some or the other cosmetic issues and other physical issues which are worst still they move on in their life with confidence and positive approach ..don't let this thing dominate you..be confident about what you are and how you are...take a positive approach in life which is more important than any surgery...


Imo you can also do in person consultation with dr saifi who is in Poland and he is an experienced ethical surgeon ...do all the required check ups and reports and get on medication accordingly and make a long term plan...i hope this helps you...best of luck and keep updating 

Check Out My Hair Transplant Journey

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3611 FUE Grafts With Dr Kongkiat Laorwong | Norwood 5 | 2nd May 2023 




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3 hours ago, booyaka7777 said:

I can pay maximum 5000 euro for the procedure. Thanks for your opinions guys. Yes. I will definitely try the medicine. Cheers. I am currently staying in Poland. I am geussing I have to get in touch with a hair surgeon here and talk to him about such medicine?

dr marwan saifi is the besr hair surgeon in poland, for a finasteride prescription you can go to a simple doctor or dermatologist 

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10 hours ago, booyaka7777 said:

Dr Turan's represantative said I need to be on medicine for a year before considering an operation, so basically he is not willing to operate on me right now.

Give this rep a big, fat cigar. He is indeed correct. In twelve months you may indeed benefit to the point that you will use less grafts for surgery and remember grafts are finite and you have already had one surgery. Give medication the chance to halt your baldness and potentially thicken or even maybe improve your hair loss. All the best!

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13 hours ago, booyaka7777 said:

I can pay maximum 5000 euro for the procedure. Thanks for your opinions guys. Yes. I will definitely try the medicine. Cheers. I am currently staying in Poland. I am geussing I have to get in touch with a hair surgeon here and talk to him about such medicine?

then for turkey stick to the ones you have consulted. in poland you get dr saifi but i think he maybe out of budget with graft count taken into consideration. in thailand you get dr laorwong who does good work and he is slightly cheaper than saifi but if graft count goes higher then might go out of budget. you can still consult them.

in brazil you get pittella who does higher norwood cases and uses lot of beard grafts too so you might consider him if travel is not an issue. Price will be cheaper and in budget for your case.

in india you get eugenix who does higher norwood cases too and uses lot of beard grafts too so you might consider them also if travel is not an issue. They have different packages which might fit budget.

my suggestion will be to keep taking meds for atleast 6+ months to a year and then get a qoute from everyone . 6 months is sometimes better if waiting period is long for surgeons then you will be waiting more 6 months to 1 year anyways post consultation for surgery date.

probably if budget increases by that time then add more clinics to your list and get qoutes. if meds work then your required graft decreases and you get option of paying higher per graft. but if graft required is higher then cost per graft is low and options get limited.

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If you're not thinking about meds long term, with your diffuse thinning you're essentially gauranteed a NW7 down the line. Any transplant you get should be done with an anticipation that your native hairs will recede behind it. I would be very cautious. It may not be right for you.

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Hair loss medication, such as finasteride do a pretty good job of slowing down, stopping, or even reversing some of the effects of androgenetic alopecia.  However, it is advised to be on finasteride for at least one year to determine its efficacy.

In situations like yours where the patient still has a lot of natural hair, but has a pretty advanced looking hair loss pattern, some physicians/clinics may suggest considering finasteride and then wait to see what the effects will be before operating on the patient.

Now, some patients may choose not to use a finasteride because of the potential of side effects, which is why it’s always good to consult a physician prior to using it.  On the other hand, without its use, your hair loss will continue to progress as far as long as your genetics dictate.

I don’t know how much donor hair you have available over the course of your lifetime… Dr. Rahal uses a formula to determine this for his patients.  But, in order to determine whether or not you’re a good candidate for hair restoration.surgery, one would have to consider how much available donor hair you have over your lifetime versus how much hair you will likely lose based on your genetics with or without hair loss medication.  In other words, it’s a matter of supply and demand.

Now, given the extent of your hair loss, I trust you have spoken to your surgeon about realistic expectations, and what can and cannot be accomplished with surgery with or without medication.  There are worst and best case scenarios and it’s important that you are familiar with both of them in your case we should be discussed with your hair physician.

For example, how many grafts have been suggested for your first procedure with the doctor that’s willing to operate?  And what is the surgical plan at this point?

Just know that it will take a large number of grafts to give you full coverage and even more full coverage plus density.  In all actuality, you will likely only have enough donor hair for one or the other.  Note that this is not necessarily Dr. Rahal’s opinion, this is just my opinion as an educated patient and advocate.  Just make sure you speak to whichever surgeons you are considering about what your goals are, and what can realistically be achieved in your case.  Be sure to discuss the differences between using medication and not and then you can make an informed decision which is best for you.

I hope this helps 

Rahal Hair Transplant



Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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