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How many grafts do I need?

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Before providing you with my thoughts on approximately how many grafts you might need, it would be helpful if you provide us with some additional information.  For example, how old are you? Are you currently taking any hair loss medication such as finasteride, minoxidil, etc.? At what age did you start losing your hair?  Are you still experiencing hair loss and if so would you say it’s aggressive or gradual?

In my opinion, if you’re not currently using any non-surgical solutions in an attempt to slow down, stop or reverse the effects of male pattern baldness, you may want to consider these before undergoing her transplant surgery.

Long story short, while surgical hair restoration is great in restoring hair to thinning or completely bald areas, it does nothing to stop the progression of androgenetic alopecia.

And while hair transplant surgery is possible for those who don’t use nonsurgical treatments, your hair loss will continue to progress as much as your genetics dictate. This means you may have to endure additional subsequent hair transplant procedures that you might not need if you use non-surgical solutions as part of your long-term hair restoration plan.

Moreover, hair transplant surgery is limited and is about supply and demand.  In other words, there is only so much donor hair that can be harvested and eventually, you won’t have any more for transplanting.  Just keep that in mind when considering and deciding whether or not to make non-surgical treatments a part of your overall, long-term hair restoration plan.

Note also that nonsurgical treatments such as finasteride and minoxidil are much more effective when they are started when hair loss is in its infant stages as opposed to waiting until it has  progressed to an advanced state.

I’ll be happy to provide more of my thoughts after you answer some of the above questions so we know a little bit more about your situation.

Best wishes,

Rahal Hair Transplant

Edited by Rahal Hair Transplant
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Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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35 minutes ago, Rahal Hair Transplant said:


Before providing you with my thoughts on approximately how many grafts you might need, it would be helpful if you provide us with some additional information.  For example, how old are you? Are you currently taking any hair loss medication such as finasteride, minoxidil, etc.? At what age did you start losing your hair?  Are you still experiencing hair loss and if so would you say it’s aggressive or gradual?

In my opinion, if you’re not currently using any non-surgical solutions in an attempt to slow down, stop or reverse the effects of male pattern baldness, you may want to consider these before undergoing her transplant surgery.

Long story short, while surgical hair restoration is great in restoring hair to thinning or completely bald areas, it does nothing to stop the progression of androgenetic alopecia.

And while hair transplant surgery is possible for those who don’t use nonsurgical treatments, your hair loss will continue to progress as much as your genetics dictate. This means you may have to endure additional subsequent hair transplant procedures that you might not need if you use non-surgical solutions as part of your long-term hair restoration plan.

Moreover, hair transplant surgery is limited and is about supply and demand.  In other words, there is only so much donor hair that can be harvested and eventually, you won’t have any more for transplanting.  Just keep that in mind when considering and deciding whether or not to make non-surgical treatments a part of your overall, long-term hair restoration plan.

Note also that nonsurgical treatments such as finasteride and minoxidil are much more effective when they are started when hair loss is in its infant stages as opposed to waiting until it has  progressed to an advanced state.

I’ll be happy to provide more of my thoughts after you answer some of the above questions so we know a little bit more about your situation.

Best wishes,

Rahal Hair Transplant

Thank you for your answer, I am 20 years old, I do not take any medication, I noticed hair loss a year ago, but there were no significant changes in a year, I know that it is not worth doing a transplant at an early age, I just wanted to estimate how many grafts I need at the moment moment. I was against drugs, but after your post I'm thinking about starting minoxidil. I don't like the fact that I have to take medicine every day, even several times a day, it makes me dependent on them. How do I start taking minoxidil and which one should I buy?
thanks in advance for your reply

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