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Everything posted by stiliks

  1. Thank you, the difference between the photos is exactly 11 months. I will still try adding oral minoxidil. Can I alternate oral with topical minoxidil, or can I just take oral at once?
  2. I looked at old photos and realized that perhaps I experienced growth
  3. is there a difference in effectiveness between oral and topical minoxidil?
  4. I'm sorry, I don't know why the photos turned upside down
  5. Hi, I'm 21 years old and have been taking finasteride 1mg 5 times a week, dutasteride 0.5 mg 2 times a week and topical minoxidil every day for 11 months (I added dutasteride at 8 months), I do microneeding about once a week and take different vitamins . My hair loss stopped, maybe even my hair got a little thicker, but I had no regrowth. My hairline is a little thinner at the corners, the left looks good and the right just a little about 4cm^2. I also have a slight thinning in my crown. Since I am too young, surgery is not a good option for me. What else could I do to get regrowth? I would like to wear short hair, but with my hairline it doesn't look very good, and when I wear my hair longer it shows that it is thinning. I will attach photos, thanks in advance
  6. Thank you for your answer, I am 20 years old, I do not take any medication, I noticed hair loss a year ago, but there were no significant changes in a year, I know that it is not worth doing a transplant at an early age, I just wanted to estimate how many grafts I need at the moment moment. I was against drugs, but after your post I'm thinking about starting minoxidil. I don't like the fact that I have to take medicine every day, even several times a day, it makes me dependent on them. How do I start taking minoxidil and which one should I buy? thanks in advance for your reply
  7. Hello,I would like to have a hair transplant, how many grafts do I need to fill in the crown and hairline using a conservative method?
  8. Can I say that my hair loss has stabilized if there have been no significant changes within a year, provided that I do not take any medication?
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