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1700 Grafts very concerned about density


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No need to panic at this stage.

I'd be a bit concerned that the doctor " ran out" of singles.They should have calculated it better or split some doubles.At least they were honest about it.

As others have mentioned you seem to have good hair calibre and the work on the donor looks clean and neat.

Nothing to do now but relax and see how it grows in.

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Im fine for now I did some measurements seems to be 40-45cm2 average and a 38cm2 at min in some places. Just weird seeing native hair behind my transplant hair look so thin no had no idea how thick the hair the back was.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Well its been a month. Shedding start last week some of the hairs that have fallen out have started to sprout again? :/ I'm guessing they'll fall out again since its way too early to have my hair grow looking around it seems at month 2-3 people dont even have hair sprouting.

Also had my follow up with the Docs turns out I actually had over 1800 grafts done roughly 350 Singles, 700 doubles and 750 triples and above.

As you can see the small island of native hair in the middle. Once this grows out its actually not that see through as you can see in my pre op pics. All the red is obviously transplanted hair.


30 days



Heres some more pre op for reference

Pre OP


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  • 1 month later...
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Ok at 2 months now full ugly duckling mode. Front locke of hair seems to be growing in thinner sadly despire being on both Fin(tablet and min topical), the small sprouting hairs have been the same length for about 2 weeks now. And if you zoom in it seems theres quite a lot of velus hairs that werent there before odly enough.  Still back to being concerned about density, I hope my loss of density in the native hair is just temporary.





Edited by nwhtp
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  • 1 month later...
  • Regular Member

So its 3 and a half months now. Looking better and with hair fibers I dont need to hide it anymore and it looks good. Hoping for plenty more growth so I dont have to use the fibers anymore tho.



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  • Senior Member

Super early days, a lot of people won’t have any visible growth at this stage. You do have some growth already and it will continue to spurt, it’s quite usual for one side to come in more than the other, but they will eventually catch up. 

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  • Valued Contributor

@nwhtpThis is a long waiting game my friend ..so keep calm and composed .....ar 3 months generally people don't see much of growth as they would be ending the shedding phase..you will start getting growth from now on till 12-14 months....so from now it will only improve day by day and initially hair fibres works well but you will probably won't need it after 12 months post op

Check Out My Hair Transplant Journey

--> My Thread

3611 FUE Grafts With Dr Kongkiat Laorwong | Norwood 5 | 2nd May 2023 




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7 hours ago, Gatsby said:

At 3.5 months it's way to early to expect a lot of growth. You're really in the tail end of the ugly duckling phase so the growth to me is excellent! 👌


6 hours ago, BRITA-XL said:

Super early days, a lot of people won’t have any visible growth at this stage. You do have some growth already and it will continue to spurt, it’s quite usual for one side to come in more than the other, but they will eventually catch up. 


5 hours ago, A_4_Archan said:

@nwhtpThis is a long waiting game my friend ..so keep calm and composed .....ar 3 months generally people don't see much of growth as they would be ending the shedding phase..you will start getting growth from now on till 12-14 months....so from now it will only improve day by day and initially hair fibres works well but you will probably won't need it after 12 months post op

Oh Im happy with the progress so far dont get me wrong. That entire thin area is basically all new hair you can see where my original hairline was where its much darker in the back. Hair fibers saving the day for now you can barely tell with them in which makes me happy. Thanks everyone.

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