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Dutasteride 3.5 months update


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Background:had been on fin and minox since 21, now 26. Had good results with fin the first two to 4 years then have seen a pretty steady decline in density without much else obvious changing in my life during this period. I waited for about a year in the hopes it was just a regular shed that would subside and I'd recover from but this didn't seem to be the case.

Started dut about the start of January and took it with 1mg fin daily for the first month then 0.5 ED for the remainder. I've still been shedding alot, don't think it's necessarily more than before but certainly not any less. Strangely I don't think my density has went down that much in this time?

Please be honest with me though I can't tell if I'm in denial haha. 

Pictures in the gray dressing gown are before duta, yellow jacket are 3.5 months in








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