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Everything posted by FUEtile

  1. I can see a difference there’s more hair between the strands
  2. I mean is that a big problem? It’s 0.4 difference. I guarantee most companies do this. Even protein powders come half empty. This company is attacked a lot.
  3. HT without fin is not a good idea
  4. This guys a clown downplays finasteride side effects, but but but stay away from the big bad minoxidil
  5. It’s supposed to not cause the same sides cuz it’s not stopping DHT it’s blocking the androgen receptors
  6. Theres been a bunch of hype on cosmeRNA but I think pyrilutamide is gonna be a safer bet https://en.kintor.com.cn/news/245.html
  7. Wasn’t this supposed to be released here in the UK this month?
  8. You think combining fluridil with topical fin would be best? What about RU?
  9. What’s your experience? Would you say it’s as strong as topical fin?
  10. I don’t think this is an echo chamber at all. I don’t disagree with you. The sample size of the study is small. You should post some of the data you’ve researched. I’m basing my thoughts off the study posted here. But if you have some studies that would refute it, post them. That’s the whole point of this discussion. It’s not to validate our biases. Its to get actual information.
  11. The study OP posted debunks this is there any other evidence or studies that help your argument or are you speculating?
  12. This is what you literally said here ^ I’ll definitely be giving them a try.
  13. Did you test your hormone levels? I can’t see how 3 applications would make a difference
  14. The study you posted debunks this theory. Based on your assumption less systemic DHT reduction should equal less efficacy. But that contradicts what was observed in the study. There’s over a 20% difference in systemic reduction between topical and oral. So, if what you’re saying is true, there should be a 20% higher efficacy rate with oral finasteride. Because more DHT reduction = higher efficacy. But that is not what the study says. Topical and oral finasteride is numerically similar in terms of hair growth (efficacy), despite there being a 20+% difference in DHT reduction. Even the own study had this conclusion None of your points have any solid foundation. To summarize your points: Oral finasteride and topical have similar side effects profile. Statistically similar but there’s still over a 1% difference in sexual side effects. Stats mean nothing to individuals. 1% of 100,000 is 1,000 so the more users the higher the number. What may seem insignificant isn’t when you look at it deeper. Oral finasteride is cheaper and you can microdose. There are no studies comparing microdosing finasteride and taking 1mg daily. So this point is inconclusive. But worth exploring. Topical companies rip you off by selling subscriptions. This point doesn’t have anything to do with effectiveness or safety. But even from a monetary standpoint. Topical finasteride is sold by several companies that are not expensive and don’t do subscriptions, and you can DIY your own topical. Making the cost only marginally more expensive than the oral version. Moot point. The more DHT the higher the efficacy. On paper this makes sense but this study contradicts this theory. It’s possible that applying the drug topically reaches DHT at the hair follicle level making it similar in efficacy as consuming it orally. There are no studies proving this but this speculation makes more sense to me based on this study.
  15. Thats an issue for me with the study you posted you can see the comparison between oral and topical. Efficacy was close and sides were reported less. That makes topical finasteride worth a try. You can even DIY your own topical so all the business stuff is irrelevant. I vote no
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