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I am looking for feedback: Hair Genesis softgels


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I used proscar (1/4 tablet, 5mg)for 4 years. I had good results until I had a side effect; could not maintain my erection. I was stunned. Stopped proscar and after about two weeks, I did not have this problem. Yes, I lost everything after stopping proscar for almost 9 months!

I am thinking about using Genesis softgels. Does it work? Please share your experiences if you have used Genesis softgels.

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  • Regular Member

I used proscar (1/4 tablet, 5mg)for 4 years. I had good results until I had a side effect; could not maintain my erection. I was stunned. Stopped proscar and after about two weeks, I did not have this problem. Yes, I lost everything after stopping proscar for almost 9 months!

I am thinking about using Genesis softgels. Does it work? Please share your experiences if you have used Genesis softgels.

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