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Best surgeon in HLC?


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I am currently planning on undergoing a hair restoration survey at HLC this summer. Although the clinic has a reputable image, I am concerned about not knowing which specific doctors will be performing the surgery. As a Norwood 5, most clinics have quoted me around 3000-4000 grafts.

Could you please provide me with more information regarding the best and most reputable doctors at HLCs? I understand that hair surgery is an art form and the expertise of the doctor performing the surgery will greatly impact the rest of my life.

Thank you for your insights.

Best regards, Moritz

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  • Regular Member

As far as I know if you go to HLC you won't get to choose which doctor performs the surgery. It will be somewhat of a lottery. 


If you really want to go there that's just something you'll have to accept I think. 


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