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Average time for results

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  • Regular Member

Okay, I’m only on day 35 and confess the waiting game is frustrating me already!

From what I’ve read most people see good results by 6 months with the full result (representing further cosmetic improvement but I understand not as great) at 12 months or just after. 

What I am less clear about is the average time that it takes for people to think they look better than they did before surgery. For someone like me with hairline work am I likely to be in a better position at 3 months or 4 months or a longer/shorter timeframe?

Appreciate it’s not possible to say with certainty and everyone is different but I’d be interested to hear what peoples’ experiences have been.


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  • Senior Member

The most noticeable growth from my own experience and other patient results I've seen here is usually during months 4 - 5.

By 6-7 months you'll know more or less if your result is headed towards failure. By 8-9 months, you'll be in a good spot to declare the transplant a success or failure. While some minor improvement can occur after that point, don't buy into the wait 12 months narrative; it'll be very reasonable to decide the outcome long before then.

Slightly different/delayed timing if you had beard grafts placed.


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  • Regular Member

Waiting game can be frustrating, especially when you're eager to see the results! The timeline for seeing the actual results varies from person to person. On average, most people start to see some cosmetic improvement just by 6 months, with the full results appearing at 12 months or just after.

Regarding the time it takes for people to think they look better than they did before the surgery, it's difficult to say with certainty as everyone's experience is different.

Some start to see noticeable improvement in their hairline as early as 3 to 4 months. Hair transplant surgery is a long-term investment, and it's important to be patient and allow the transplanted hairs to grow and mature.

If you have any concerns or questions about your hair transplant surgery, please don't hesitate to reach out for further evaluation and guidance. Good luck on your healing!

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