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Questions post hair transplant (shedding, medications etc.)

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  • Regular Member

Hi everyone, 

I had my second FUE around 3 months ago. I'd really appreciate it if anyone can provide their advice on the below questions: 

1 - I am still shedding a good number of hairs from the recipient area even after almost 11 weeks. I believe they are mostly transplanted hairs. Is that normal? 

2 - I stopped using topical minoxidil around 2 years ago (after using it for around 10 years). I felt it wasn't adding any benefits. Would it do any harm to start it again at this stage? I was advised by the clinic but I'm afraid I won't be committing to it long term. I am on Finasteride. 

3 - When can I start dermarolling and do I need to do it with a topical medication? 

4 - I have developed a flaky scalp which is causing some itching. I use baby shampoo. Any recommendations on what I should do?


Previously KLHT

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3 months is still fairly early so some shedding is likely, and you’re likely shedding from elsewhere too, don’t dig too much into what’s going on your scalp now, wait another few months. 

I stopped topical min after 3 years of use for a few months and didn’t observe much change. I then got on oral min and have been fine on it for a year now, I’d suggest trying that as it’s much easier to adhere to. Derma rolling you can likely start now as you’re at 3 months, but I ended up just waiting it out until about 6-7 months, reason being I just thought my recipient area took enough of a beating and I rather let it recover then receive the small benefit from rollling. Maybe do the rest of the scalp for just now. Lastly, as you are about 3 months out, you can start using some more serious shampoos to control your dandruff, sebum etc, perhaps try selsun 

Edited by TorontoMan
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  • Regular Member

Thanks @TorontoMan So let's assume I decide to start applying topical minoxidil again now, would it hurt (cause shedding etc.)? The plan is to apply it topically for the next couple of months to stimulate and increase the rate of growth then I might completely drop it. 

Previously KLHT

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