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Dutasteride/Propecia Testosterone Injections

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Has anyone used either Dutasteride or

Propecia that is getiing testosterone replacement? I was advised after recent HT that I should start using Dutasteride. My concern is that I know that it works on testosterone. I am concerned about the side effects since I get testosterone via injection in a single dose every three weeks. I would appreciate any info. on the subject. Thanks

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  • Regular Member

Has anyone used either Dutasteride or

Propecia that is getiing testosterone replacement? I was advised after recent HT that I should start using Dutasteride. My concern is that I know that it works on testosterone. I am concerned about the side effects since I get testosterone via injection in a single dose every three weeks. I would appreciate any info. on the subject. Thanks

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Just curious: what is the testosterone injection for?


I have heard about positive effects of finasteride on athletic performance, but i havent looked into it. Perhaps I should.



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IF your test is for medical replace following prostate surgery, ect-- then you need to get on propecia because it will block the DHT conversion of test. If your taking test for bodybuilding-- you need to get off the stuff and workout normally. REgardless, you need to be taking propecia either way.

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The test. is for replacement because it was to low. I tried Propecia. It killed my libido. I was told by my HT Dr. to try Dutasteride. I would like to find out if anyone else in a similar situation has used either Propecia and Dutasteride and not had this problem, especially Dutasteride. Thanks

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as far as libido goes, you can also start on Yohimbe bark and L-Arginine supplements.....that stuff gets the horse out of the barn pretty well...icon_wink.gif...giddyup!



4600 grafts/ 12/10/2003/ Dr. Jerry Wong

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  • 5 weeks later...
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Yes I to have had periods of increase shedding on Propecia, What I have done that has worked is 1) first time, increase my propecia to 2 pills a day for 6 weeks then gradually back down to 1 pill a day--this seem to stop the shedding (that happened around year 4). The second time (around year 6) I stopped propecia all together for 1 months then restarted-- it took about 6 weeks after restart to get shedding under control. So far so good, I think when shedding starts after long term usuage your system probably has addapted to the drug so you should "shock" it like I did above. That's just my theory.

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Maybe it is in our european genes, but I have seen many patients who are taking propecia for many years and still went to NW6 within 10 Years..

I know Merk says that there is a small % of men who will not benifit from propeicia.

However the amount of guys who I have met and have had little or no results from propecia is surely much higher than the numbers Merk provides.

IMHO propecia works, but it works in less % of man than what is claimed by the company.


Consultant-co owner Prohairclinic (FUE only) in Belgium, Dr. De Reys.


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Once again good thread and the internet along with this forum has proven to be a valueable tool.


Michguy-if you are taking test for medical reasons then fine but for bodybuilding then as Smoothy suggest get offf the juice bro.I also wouldn't suggest the strong side effects of one drug to combat against the strong side effects of another drug.It is your choice and your body and seemingly enough you only get one chance!


Smoothy-are you suggesting off period than stacking propecia when an indidivual experiences the reoccurance of the shedding phase after committed years on the drug?Have you experience any greater or more concerning side effects from the long term use?



Robert-Does you HT Doc(Cooley) suggest a prostate evaluation/exam.Not certain of the name of exam but...I feel an educational link coming on~LOL?



Bverotti~I still believe the Merk company is not forthcoming or hasn't had enough supportive evidence/studies over a continual use or broad span life of the drug.



~Trust is earned not given and I still don't trust these large pharmasuetical(sp?) companies with their greedy ceos and inflated HMOS.Why would they tell the general public if there was any negative side effects of their drugs when it stands to hurt their marginal and net profits.

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"Robert-Does you HT Doc(Cooley) suggest a prostate evaluation/exam.Not certain of the name of exam but...I feel an educational link coming on~LOL?"


Nope, no prostate exam. Before I was prescribed Finasteride he asked some questions on my medical background. I have been extremely fortunate in that I have a very resilient immune system. I have never had an affliction more serious than the common flu (other than breaking my nose 4 or 5 times, I have lost count). I had recieved a prostate exam twice, however (military medical separation exams are THOROUGH) and everything has been tip-top.


As far as the educational links, they may seem repetitive for the "veterans," but I like to put them out there for newcomers that may have some confusion on the thread content if the threads get too "in depth." So, without further ado, anyone interested in learning the basics on Finasteride/Dutasteride and other hair loss medications can go here.


(Thanks for the setup, though...heh heh)





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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