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Dr. Epstein

Jay T

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Well, I've been reading this forum for some time and I'm about to schedule an appointment with Dr. Epstein in Miami. I've already heard so many great things about him, but I was hoping to find someone, if not a few, of his former or current patients out there who can share any good/bad (hopefully the first) experiences with him. I've done plenty of research but I just wanted to check with you guys one more time. This is a big step, and I just want to be sure that I'm making the right choice. I've spoken with him on the phone and was very pleased with his professionalism. Being that I'm 23, he and I are on the same page as far as hairline placement, etc., but I'd like to here from anyone else...for my own personal assurances. Thanks in advance.

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Hello Jay; I'm speaking from experience when I say that Doc Epstein in Miami is a top rate HT specialist. I had 3115 grafts on April 12th and things are going great. My donor scar is pencil-line thin, I have no residual numbness in either the donor or recipient sites, I had very very little shock loss to my native hair and, so far,my transplanted hair is coming in like crazy. I can't say enough good things about my experience with Doc Epstein. My final results are, of course, not yet in, but so far, I'm extremely pleased. I only shed about 60 or 70% of the transplants and I attribute this to Doc Epsteins very coordinated and effecient team that strives to minimalize the time that the grafts are without blood supply thereby helping to keep shock loss to a minimum. As I remember, it only took Doc E. about 5 hours total to do my procedure of 3115 grafts. The 30 or 40% of the grafts that did not shed, have been growing nicely and have given me decent coverage a lot sooner than I had anticipated ( at least sooner than the average experience that I have read about). IMHO, Doc Epstein will give you a HT that is top notch all the way.

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I ran accross Dr Epsteins website in my search for answers. I saw some of his before and afters and I was really impressed by his work.


Has anyone else seen Dr E and can give me some more feedback on their experience. I am highly interested in the FUE technique.

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Thanks Fedup for the reply. I've seen your pictures too but you know how it is...just making sure the choice I'm about to make is the best one. What I liked best so far about Dr. E is his very down-to-earth approach. Being that I'm 23, this really helps me feel more comfortable. Anyway, if there's anyone else who has some expereriences here, I'd love to hear them.

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You can do a search on Dr. Epstein on this forum. Just go to the "Find" button at the top of your page and in the drop-down box you will see a "Search" box. This enables you to access the forums' archives.





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I had a HT with Dr. E in July. I am only 6 weeks out so I cannnot discuss results. I can tell you that he and his staff are very professional and my experience with him was most positive. Ask him for a list of references in your area. Call them and meet them. I did my homework and was very comfortable with Dr. E when I decided to go ahead. I also flew down for a consultation to meet him personally before doing my HT. I figured the procedure costs so much, whats a few hundred and a day to meet him first. Do a search on my name to read more. Good luck

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JayT -

I am 23 yrs. old and I just had a procedure with Dr. Epstein. The entire experience was great. Go to the "Hair Restoration Experiences" forum and look at my post about Doc Epstein. That should help a lot .....

Good Luck

Jeff Bowers

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Hey gang - I have an appointment for a consultation with Dr Epstein this month. I will let you know what he suggests and if I will be going for an HT...


thanks for all the communication here to help someone like me make solid choices!

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Thanks for all of the replies. I just booked by appointment for October 18th. I'm planning on having around 1700-1750 grafts, but we'll see if more are available. My hair is very coarse and thick (i.e. wavy) and very dark brown...almost black, which will be nice to help hide the scar. If there are any more tips/suggestions, I'll be glad to hear them. So stay tuned for some pics.

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