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Any experienced surgeons that do Long Hair unshaven FUE?

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I know very few surgeons do the long hair no shaven FUE procedure. Where they literally take your long hair and implant it as is. So you see your “results” immediately post op. I was just wondering which surgeons in Europe or Turkey are good with this procedure?

Note* I work in sales so I would like to have it done without anyone noticing. I know it will be more expensive as it is a longer and more difficult procedure but that’s okay.


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3 hours ago, FireLotus said:

I work in sales so I would like to have it done without anyone noticing

just keep your head shaved/buzz cut and no one will really notice. In my opinion bald and buzz cut dudes look more intimidating and salesy than a long haired guy

Also, it is always easier for surgeons to operate with a full shave procedure. Sure, surgeons may offer partial shave or no/long hair shave, but this still makes it more challenging.

Don't go through the money and stress of a hair transplant if you are going to handicap yourself and potentially get a sub-optimal result by going long hair unshaven.

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Yep happy nails it... better worth it to go short before hand and get folks being like oh short hair a month or so before then take a week off during procedure and then return no one will notice a thing then slowly grow your hair back out over the falling months... trust that you don't want to jam up long term results or compromise best results over something like this

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Best thing to do is wear your hair very short or buzzed for a month prior to the procedure. Then after the procedure (when the grafts are stable) keep wearing the cap. No one will know that you've had anything done. Better yet. Don't worry about work people, etc. People have very short memories and remember you're doing this for you not them. Never let people live rent free in your head. All the best.

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