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First days after a transplant


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  • Regular Member

There is plenty of information about what to avoid the first days. Careful stepping out and into cars and so on.

Also, about how to sleep with a neckpillow etc. All great pieces of advice.

However, I am scared about wanting to scratch myself while I sleep. What if its itchy and you scratch your implanted area while sleeping - that would be horrible.

So I am thinking about whether I can tie my hands up or something before sleeping (almost laughing saying that) but what other options are there? I guess finding a firm position before sleep and hoping all is well.


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  • Senior Member

If you are living with another person, you should handcuff your arms to the bed posts, and then the other person can uncuff you in the morning. 

When you are paying tens of thousands of dollars for surgery and you only have a finite # of grafts, you really can't take any chances. 

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