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Finasteride Usage-Testosterones Levels and Estradiol Levels

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I had my hair transplant in August 1st week. Thereafter have been using Finasteride since almost 2.5months. My testosterones levels dropped from 800 to 550 during these 3 months and the Estradiol level increased drastically from 5 to 550 which was quite alarming. I also see that my chest area has gone a bit soft even though I am doing physical exercises. Can someone please update if this should be the end of Finasteride in my case. I do not want to get this turned into Gynecomastia and other obesity issues.

Please advise everyone. 

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  • Senior Member
4 hours ago, Bharath said:


I had my hair transplant in August 1st week. Thereafter have been using Finasteride since almost 2.5months. My testosterones levels dropped from 800 to 550 during these 3 months and the Estradiol level increased drastically from 5 to 550 which was quite alarming. I also see that my chest area has gone a bit soft even though I am doing physical exercises. Can someone please update if this should be the end of Finasteride in my case. I do not want to get this turned into Gynecomastia and other obesity issues.

Please advise everyone. 

Yes. This is unusual but you are Converting lot of the extra test into estrogen which is causing a negative feedback loop. Estrogen blocks the pituitary from releasing lh and FSH which, hormones that cause the testes to produce testosterone. 

I woild repeat labs one more time to make sure it’s not an error. If it is not then I would stop finasteride. I have never seen anyone increase their estrogen by 100 x . 

Are you sure you are reading the right labs and units.. comparing apples to apples


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