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People say Dr Serkan Aygin is a hair mill, but I can’t find a single negative experience online. Why is he a hair mill?

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I’m researching a hair transplant and came across Dr Aygin. He’s in Turkey, which immediately set alarm bells off. Searching his name in this sub results in lots of people saying he’s a hair mill, but one of the better hair mills. Despite this though, I’ve been unable to find a single bad experience with him online or any information on why he’s viewed negatively by some. In fact, there are loads of great results I’ve found online. 

So, why do people say he’s a hair mill? Why do people say he’s bad? Do you know of any bad experiences with him?



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  • Senior Member

Let’s look at some characteristics of a hair mill:


1. multiple surgeries at once

2. technicians do most of the work

3. very little doctor oversight/involvement

4. quantity over quality


When you are choosing a clinic, you are basing your decision off of the results of the clinic. When you go to a hair mill it’s literally Russian roulette. You may get the top performing team of techs working on you or may end up with the newest team with no experience working on you. You only have finite donor so why would you risk getting wrecked?

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Here’s one that comes to mind. Keep in mind, the majority of people who go to hair mills have no idea about forums.


I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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