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Some of those gaps will close up a bit once you've healed fully. It's quite normal for channels to open up due to the scabbing but in time everything will shrink back together and be a little closer (usually, anyway!).

What I do have to ask though... Is that whole section (the crown/midscalp) the 2000 grafts? To my eye it doesn't look that many at all but maybe some better photos showing all of the work in context would help. Which clinic did you go to?


EDIT: I can see you have also posted other questions, including one I replied to but you never responded again, which I always find a bit weird. It's not great etiquette to start threads asking questions, receive some advice or feedback and then go silent - that's not really the done thing around here.

Edited by Berba11
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  • Regular Member
4 hours ago, Berba11 said:

Some of those gaps will close up a bit once you've healed fully. It's quite normal for channels to open up due to the scabbing but in time everything will shrink back together and be a little closer (usually, anyway!).

What I do have to ask though... Is that whole section (the crown/midscalp) the 2000 grafts? To my eye it doesn't look that many at all but maybe some better photos showing all of the work in context would help. Which clinic did you go to?


EDIT: I can see you have also posted other questions, including one I replied to but you never responded again, which I always find a bit weird. It's not great etiquette to start threads asking questions, receive some advice or feedback and then go silent - that's not really the done thing around here.


Edited by Razzle1980
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Just now, Razzle1980 said:

The 2,000 grafts we're put into just the crown. 400 was in the mid region and 1,600 in the front. I'm just trying to figure out if there are actual follicles underneath the skin in those empty spots. I'm not sure what my head is supposed to look like after shock loss. Should I just be seeing skin or should I see a black dot underneath the skin. I don't feel comfortable saying the name of the clinic. At least not yet.

Sorry for not replying to your other post. I must have missed it. It certainly wasn't intentional.

Ok cool. But I've asked twice now 🤣 ... Who was the clinic/Doctor?

You may have shed the odd graft here and there after 14 days but those gaps/channels are normal and most likely don't have hairs underneath. When I say the gaps are normal... They are, but if the gaps are too big it might be evidence of not enough grafts. I'd be surprised if you could count 2,000 grafts there to be honest.

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1 hour ago, Razzle1980 said:

Here's a side to side comparison between days 3 and 12 post op


your 2nd picture just re-affirms the 1st one and my original opinion. 

My guess is either your doctor undercounted the # of grafts required, or he felt it was too risky or he was unskilled enough to pack too many grafts close together

This is one of the reasons 95% of people are not satisfied after just 1 hair transplant. Even for elite surgeons, it can be a challenge getting proper density in one go. 

1 hour ago, Razzle1980 said:

I went to a reputable doctor in Los Angeles.

the only reputable doctor I know in LA is Dr. Mohebi. Was it him? I don't know enough about him to give my own opinion. 

But what I can tell you is - even if Dr. Mohebi is indeed a good surgeon - he is not in anyone's list of "elite" docs. 

If the mystery doctor is someone other than Mohebi, I'd be hard-pressed to call said doctor 'reputable'

Edited by HappyMan2021
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Yeah, I mean, there were no grafts implanted there. That’s bald skin. Might be unnoticeable once it all grows in; we’ll see. That’s not exactly a great distribution though. It’s really not that difficult to *not* leave those random graft-less small channels so when surgeons leave glaring ones, it really means attention to detail and precision isn’t one of their strengths, sadly.

Edited by general-etwan
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