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Finasteride before OR After HT Surgery ?


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Dear members ,

There are many doctors who would recommend using finasteride after hair transplant surgery because hair loss is a progressive condition. Once you have undergone a transplant , if a medical management is not done with finasteride the overall look might not be natural because you will retain your transplanted here but will continue to lose the natural hair and hence the need for medical management. however I wanted to understand there are many doctors who would ask you to start on finasteride for 6 months or at least 1 year before planning for a hair transplant surgery and then perform the procedure. I'm not sure if this is the best way because by using finasteride you are actually improving the quality and growing hairs which are sensitive to Androgen receptors and when you transplant these Androgen sensitive hairs there is a risk that in future you will lose this hair when you stop using finasteride. Experts here have any thoughts on this ?

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  • Senior Member

The reasoning behind this is if you let your hairloss progress to the Norwood level you’re genetically disposed to, there might not be enough donor left. That’s why some doctors ask to be on finasteride for sometime and stay on it forever after HT.


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  • Valued Contributor

If you are going to take finasteride and thinking of a hair transplant it makes sense to take it at least a year before surgery if you can (surgery should always be a last resort). The reason being you will be able to see if you can tolerate it and to see if it helps in stabilizing your MPB which is progressive. All the best.

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