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Hair transplant result at 8.5 months

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Hello Everyone, 

I got my hairline lowering transplant done in India this year in January from a reputable clinic. I was naturally born with  big forehead and also I did suffer with traction alopecia where I did loose here in my sideburns and little damage was done in the centre part of hairline.  

I received 2258 hair grafts in my frontal hairline area and side temples and this is my result as 8.5 months and I am little concerned how is the growth coming so far.

please note that I have been using topical Minoxidil 5% and biotin 5mg tab. 

I feel like I am slow grower because I am still noticing some hair have started Pooping out and in some areas there are still vellus (thin) hair and my hairline still lack some kind of density. 

I wanted to know from your guys what are your thoughts and I also wanted to know how long does the hair takes fully mature and when does a hair fully thickens up ? 

I was thinking to use Dermatch where I feel the hair are missing. Also, Does anyone has used Dermatch before le and if they can chime in and please provide their insight if it will help to tint the hairline until I get full result in ? 

I have added picture below how my hairline use to be and how it is looking as of 8.5 months. I do feel that I had shock loss for my native hair as now I see some thin hair popping out as well in the centre of hairline. 

I have seen a lot of people who have had Better result at 8/9 months so I am just getting paranoid how I am seeing my results coming out. 



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  • Senior Member

Which clinic?

Seems about right for 2k grafts to me. Also Minoxidil could be masking the results as well, those vellus hairs could be native hair popping up from minoxidil rather than transplanted hairs. This is why Minoxidil after HT shouldn’t be used, at least not on HT region if you want to judge the Ht properly

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