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Does this look like 1500~ grafts (3000 total?)

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Hey guys.


So I recently had a hair transplant with quite a reputable clinic. In the message consultations months ago after pictures sent etc I was quoted to need around 3000 grafts. I was fine with this, being my first transplant and having trust in the doctor I presumed this estimate would be accurate and that the price i pay upon arriving at the clinic would be for the 3000 grafts. So fast forward to me being at the clinic, i pay for my procedure of 3000 grafts. I got told I would be updated on the count of the grafts after they were took, to which i was told there were over 3000, 3100 was the amount i got told. I was happy with this since I already paid for the 3000 and was satisfied i was getting my money worth.


Now after in part being obsessive, looking at results of other people’s, reading of their graft amounts, it entered my mind that maybe the grafts I received was less than 3000… which was possible since I had no way of this amount being proven to me other than the doctors word… the best i came up with was to take photos and attempt to count the scabs/incisions…. to which i can only get to 1000 for each side at absolute best. My hair loss pattern is consistent for both sides of recessed hairline, that is to say the hair loss on the right side of my head is in keeping with the left side.


I have attached photos of the side with slightly more hair loss, which i presume would have the more grafts and I would really like those more experienced in this field to put my mind at ease or give me that bitter pill to swallow that i have in part been swindled. Because I am still very unsure on how many grafts I’ve had and if it is to be lower than 3000, ie 1500 then the clinic has obviously took me for a fool and charged me twice what I was supposed to. I just hope my suspicions are completely irrational but with the attached pictures it will hopefully glean light on it all… I am also unsure how to approach the clinic about this and wouldn’t feel comfortable announcing my suspicion the amount of grafts i paid for is a lot more than I should have. Any advice is very welcome and will be appreciated… AD48AE30-1F53-4D8D-A025-E88795C42BC8.thumb.jpeg.f5172bee66b7ee1cf23002c97e442f4d.jpeg24664C02-E326-45DF-9D7D-05817C75A657.thumb.jpeg.be858caf035a26539e4bff1c9ba2e6c6.jpeg



Thanks guys.


Will happily take more photos if need be and answer any of your questions. Also sorry if the scabbing eeks you out lol.


Title might confuse but if i can have clarity on that the shown grafts in the one half of my head look to be 1500 i can safely presume that 1500 were put on the other side also.




Cant make any more posts today guys  but appreciate the input massively💕.


Could I get some expert opinions on what look to be maybe dislodged grafts too. I know for sure the big one is, but unsure about these smaller ones. and if they are dislodged, what can I expect going forward in regards to growth in that area and overall success of the transplant? no doubt they were my own fault, apart from the big one. But are the smaller ones dislodged or just a normal part of the scabbing/recovery?9533E426-7AAA-4C3D-B12C-8BBD08832578.thumb.png.04ebe09573be27edfb92eca175a47805.png0E027A82-89B6-4368-A531-8FF77C73E29A.thumb.jpeg.58f3186386984ac12b336169b85cd39b.jpeg


Edited by newtransplantation
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1 minute ago, JoDimaggio22 said:

I feel everything depends on patients hair and the density trying to be reached. Could it be 3,000? For sure. I’d assume I high density case would be about that. A lower density case would be 1500 or so. Depends so much on your own hair and how much they packed in that area

Unsure exactly.


the density that the doctor went for i’m pretty sure is in keeping with my natural density which is very much on the lower side.


Thanks for your input though man, it gives me hope the area covered could in fact be 1500 grafts and not more like 750-1000 which is what im worried about. For a lot of reasons, money being one, being misinformed on how much donor is left… using the clinic again in the future. since a touch up is on the cards. Just want to be clear of any red flags moving forward

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1 minute ago, newtransplantation said:

Unsure exactly.


the density that the doctor went for i’m pretty sure is in keeping with my natural density which is very much on the lower side.


Thanks for your input though man, it gives me hope the area covered could in fact be 1500 grafts and not more like 750-1000 which is what im worried about. For a lot of reasons, money being one, being misinformed on how much donor is left… using the clinic again in the future. since a touch up is on the cards. Just want to be clear of any red flags moving forward

I have no clue and if it is a reputable clinic then I’d trust them but based off your hair loss pattern and if we assumed that you had average density and an average donor then I’d guess 2k grafts were placed there. Of course If you asked the reputable clinic and that is what they said I’d trust them so I’m just giving you my guess based off of if the clinic was not reputable.

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1 hour ago, Calihome1 said:

You should definitely post a lot more pics of different angles and the whole head



The clinic isn’t a secret but just out of respect and with me borderline calling them out i’d rather hope to gain more expert opinion on the matter before I name them. I feel like i’d be throwing them under the bus at this stage since it is all conjecture i’ve received less grafts. What would make more sense to me is playing the waiting game, hopefully see some nice results and compile a thorough review for everyone!



No graft breakdown was provided. I had the grafts took in one sitting, sent for lunch while they got counted and put back in the hot seat. i think this is in part why i am skeptical since i was kept in the dark for a lot of things that i’ve saw more commonplace in others’ experiences. it’s funny though cause i’ve saw reviews of the same clinic and they got given a breakdown so idk. Perhaps they were rushing on me for whatever reason.


& btw i lost a lot of pictures cause since the op the phone I used to take most the photos stopped working after i updated the ios and is stuck in a permaboot. i managed to get this though. Albino strawberry or what…381CAE33-3CD0-4CA3-885B-E2E3CF92A1DA.thumb.jpeg.57fe30ca302fd1c2da2f29867c61f46d.jpeg

Edited by newtransplantation
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  • newtransplantation changed the title to Does this look like 1500~ grafts (3000 total?)
15 minutes ago, JoDimaggio22 said:

I have no clue and if it is a reputable clinic then I’d trust them but based off your hair loss pattern and if we assumed that you had average density and an average donor then I’d guess 2k grafts were placed there. Of course If you asked the reputable clinic and that is what they said I’d trust them so I’m just giving you my guess based off of if the clinic was not reputable.

They’re reputable insofar as results go. They have put their price up per graft 3 times since we originally started consulting though and with times being extra hard i don’t think it’s entirely impossible a client could slip through the net and get took advantage of. I haven’t read of it happening with said practitioner as of yet but who knows, I could be an unlucky first. Especially coinciding with the recently upped prices, which i didn’t qualify for since I was booked over a year ago … if it is less grafts then it would appear they didn’t stick to our agreement and gave me half the grafts at the new price under the guise of it being 3000. the number 3000 was mentioned often both when i arrived at the clinic and when we were first consulting months and months ago.


Just in that post op obsessive phase I guess, and with me probably needing another HT in the future it’d be nice to use the same clinic granted no foul play has occurred. Plus i imagine it’d be beneficial for others to know and something to be weary of if considering the same clinic.. which i will probably keep to myself for the time being until i can gain greater clarity 


If everything is as said, there should be i’d presume 1300~ grafts on the left side, similar amount on the right side, and the rest where my hairline has been lowered and filled in. 

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1 minute ago, newtransplantation said:

I have this but it’s quite low res and was immediately after 1AF5526E-D8A8-412F-841D-9BF0FA924DE7.jpeg.a9ebe28a332235543d173360d6584cdb.jpeg

on the night (very bad angle and shot)


this is the left side a day after 


The immediate post op doesnt look too bad. Looks pretty packed in. Since the resolution isnt perfect do you have other photos you could provide?

Potentially where you have taken all the scabs off and pictures of your donor? Did they give you a graft breakdown? you could possibly do the math on how many hairs it was per graft and possibly compare it to the end results and see if it justifies or even your 10-14 day post op with scabs removed (not perfect but a somewhat indication).

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Follow my first hair transplant journey

3,252 Grafts a minimum of 6,712 hairs June 2022


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It will depend on the density.


I had 3361 grafts in a smaller area than yours (here’s a picture):


And I’m quite confident my graft count is correct, since I didn’t pay “per graft”, so they have no reason to make up a number (and also because my final result is very dense).


So given that the above is 3.3k grafts; it is very reasonable to assume that you could have 3k grafts within your area of transplant.s

Check out my journey here:


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