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how do i measure my scalp elasticity?

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There's nothing to really "measure".  Do you have extra skin back there?  Then you have better potential for an FUT. Is the skin relatively tight to the skull?  Well, not as many advantages for an FUT.

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3 hours ago, Fue3361 said:

There's nothing to really "measure".  Do you have extra skin back there?  Then you have better potential for an FUT. Is the skin relatively tight to the skull?  Well, not as many advantages for an FUT.

isnt there some form of benchmark? how do doctors determine if the scalp is considered elastic or not


what do you mean with extra skin?

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2 minutes ago, mr_peanutbutter said:



FUT is accepted more with people with long hair but it really varies between age (skin elasticity) but people don’t understand that. Yes you can potentially yield more grafts but it always varies case by case. „


age influence skin elasticity?

yeah age is a big factor then you have other things that can influence your skin, environment -- living/working outdoors, drinking, and smoking. 

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1 minute ago, LookMaxx said:

I thought it meant fat. If you’re fat your skin is elastic whereas thin people have skin tightly to the bone without much fat in between.

Fat people also have folds and skin hanging, I guess that’s what meant by it?

Skin elasticity is basically your skins ability to snap back.

If you were to pinch the skin on your finger and watch how it goes back. Think of it as being dehydrated... if you pinch your skin it will take longer to bounce back to normal. If you are hydrated your cells are full. Therefore, it would snap back to normal (or flattens out) sooner.

As you age you lose skin elasticity meaning it will become saggier. Being overweight does not always correlate to having bad skin elasticity. If you were to lose a lot of weight way too fast then you have loose skin, as you gradually lose weight your cells lose shape.

in most cases the higher your skin elasticity the healthier your hair would be since your skin is able to bounce back in different environments (you can test this when wet ).


If your skin is too tight that means you have a loss of things whether its proteins, collagen, or other hormones. Just look up "elastosis" its the definition of what loss of skin elasticity is.


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2 hours ago, Vann said:

Skin elasticity is basically your skins ability to snap back.

If you were to pinch the skin on your finger and watch how it goes back. Think of it as being dehydrated... if you pinch your skin it will take longer to bounce back to normal. If you are hydrated your cells are full. Therefore, it would snap back to normal (or flattens out) sooner.

As you age you lose skin elasticity meaning it will become saggier. Being overweight does not always correlate to having bad skin elasticity. If you were to lose a lot of weight way too fast then you have loose skin, as you gradually lose weight your cells lose shape.

in most cases the higher your skin elasticity the healthier your hair would be since your skin is able to bounce back in different environments (you can test this when wet ).


If your skin is too tight that means you have a loss of things whether its proteins, collagen, or other hormones. Just look up "elastosis" its the definition of what loss of skin elasticity is.


Thanks, I understand it completely now. 

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Skin is elastic by default. Therefore, your scalp will always have some level of elasticity. Performing scalp exercises can help increase elasticity and thus, enable the surgeon to take a wider strip.  

I don’t know of any way to specifically quantify or measure how much elasticity your scalp has.  However, a surgeon who performs FUT will be able to tell by feel how wide of a strip they can take as to avoid a overly tight donor closure.

I will ask Dr. Rahal next time I speak with him his thoughts on this. If there is a way to especially measure quantify scalp elasticity, he will know.

Best wishes,

Rahal Hair Transplant 


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Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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34 minutes ago, Rahal Hair Transplant said:


Skin is elastic by default. Therefore, your scalp will always have some level of elasticity. Performing scalp exercises can help increase elasticity and thus, enable the surgeon to take a wider strip.  

I don’t know of any way to specifically quantify or measure how much elasticity your scalp has.  However, a surgeon who performs FUT will be able to tell by feel how wide of a strip they can take as to avoid a overly tight donor closure.

I will ask Dr. Rahal next time I speak with him his thoughts on this. If there is a way to especially measure quantify scalp elasticity, he will know.

Best wishes,

Rahal Hair Transplant 


thank you very much!

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4 minutes ago, mr_peanutbutter said:




god damn im pretty sure i wouldnt be able to grap so much skin with two fingers at the back of my head, i guess that means my scalp isnt very elastic

It would depend on how soon it flattens out. But yeah I dont think I could pinch that much skin but some people can it depends in every case.

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4 minutes ago, Vann said:

It would depend on how soon it flattens out. But yeah I dont think I could pinch that much skin but some people can it depends in every case.

if it would snap back very quickly it would mean the skin is very elastic?


tbh what wonders me that the "skin elasticity" test of hasson looks very different to the one in picture

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2 minutes ago, mr_peanutbutter said:

if it would snap back very quickly it would mean the skin is very elastic?


tbh what wonders me that the "skin elasticity" test of hasson looks very different to the one in picture

Yes it it snaps back that means your skin is elastic for its size. For example... look up skin dehydration test on finger and see the results of someone whose dehydrated. Its the same concept.

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12 minutes ago, Vann said:

Yes it it snaps back that means your skin is elastic for its size. For example... look up skin dehydration test on finger and see the results of someone whose dehydrated. Its the same concept.

so if i can grab less skin then in that picture but my skin goes back very quickly i could still be a good candidate for fut?

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56 minutes ago, mr_peanutbutter said:

so if i can grab less skin then in that picture but my skin goes back very quickly i could still be a good candidate for fut?

That’s not exactly how it works. But if you want to do FUT I would ask the surgeon that operates on you and ask what criteria you can do to test this…

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3,252 Grafts a minimum of 6,712 hairs June 2022


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very interesting


„One of Dr. Parsa Mohebi’s initial innovations in hair restoration surgery was the Laxometer. Dr. Mohebi invented the Laxometer as a solution to prevent complications of strip hair transplants.  Traditionally surgeons used to measure the laxity of scalp manually and by grabbing the scalp with the palm of both hands and trying to move scalp up and down.  The easier the scalp could be moved up and down the more laxity it had.  This method was very convenient and did not require any device.  However, the results could vary from doctor to doctor and they were not reproducible.

Dr. Mohebi invented the first generation of the Laxometer during his hair restoration surgery fellowship in 2007.  He then completed his invention by modifying it to the next generation (the Laxometer II), which has researched and presented in medical conference and it has received accolades from the worldwide consortium of hair restoration specialists for being the first universal standard measurement device that evaluates scalp laxity.“






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