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Can a cowlick ever be reconstructed in a HT procedure?

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  • Senior Member

Genuinely curious, because I had one on the right front of my hairline prior to losing that area of course. It was a little swirl that you could notice when hair was worn at short-to-medium length. Most questions/goals are usually about avoiding/eliminating cowlicks, but I actually wonder if it would be a reasonable idea to request a cowlick be reconstructed as part of a HT if the patient actually likes it. It shouldn't be too difficult as it just involves angling slits and the grafts in a swirl pattern just like is done on the crown except on a smaller scale at the front near the hairline. Would this be a bad idea or is it something that deserves to be explored in certain cases?

Edited by general-etwan
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  • Regular Member

^ I agree with Adrian. Especially as a high norwood we are not in a position in which we can "choose" to make the procedures more complicated than they are already, as they will have to mix beard and scalp donor to make it blend, work with density gradients etc etc to create an illusion of density and coverage already. So, imo we are not a position to have extra wishes, even though I can totally understand that you loved your cow lick end emphasize that you want it back.

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