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Transmed HT - 4 Months update


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Ultimate: The temple surgery is not performed by dr. Kulahci but by another surgeon of the same clinic. Only dr. Kulahci is recommended by this site.


maxzor, Dr Kulachi represents Transmed and she is the 'Head' of the clinic and of all the other Doctors. She is also the founder of the clinic. So any complaints arising from other Doctors at Transmed ultimately is the responsibility of the recommended doctor on this site.


A reputable clinic would take full responsibility of these genuine concerns such as clippers.

It would be good if Dr Kulachi can take part in this thread to explain what their say is on this.

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Hopefully as your new hair conbinues to mature, it will blend better with your natural hair and the density will improve. I suggest scheduling a consult with Dr. Kulahci herself for an in personal evaluation of your newly growing hair, angle, and direction.


I'm confident that Dr. Kulahci will do everything she can to help you address your concerns. I know you're waiting for Transmed to respond publicly. However, I encourage you to contact Dr. Kulahci tomorrow (Monday) privately to garner her professional feedback.


Best wishes,



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Clipper I honestly don't want to put you down but you have a poor poor result. You should be extremely angry and really escalate the matter till you achieve a refund or receive a corrective surgery.


This clinic should be re-evaluated thats it. If we keep giving Transmed excuses for their faulty operations this massacre will continue. If only Dr. Kulachi is recommended then she at least should be able to train her doctors to operate too. Since in my opinion the director of a clinic also represents that whole clinic and its team.


All the cheerleaders of that clinic disappeared expect for Humpty dumpty ( maybe I misspelled his name ) and in my opinion he did not even need a HT.


All the other cheerleaders of transmed, Where are you show us your results.


A competent clinic is a clinic that can successfully address a NW 4-5 patient, not claim professionalism on NW 2 patients

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Just wanted to update you that I have had a lengthy conversation with Mr. Taner, customer relations, Transmed, and he has assured me that the photos have been evaluated by both doctors in the clinic.


He was very concerned with my case and their initial conclusion was that, regardless of my experience from my second HT which I must say I wasn't happy with, many biological factors must have contributed to the end results which I will not go into detail. As Bill and few others have recommended including both the doctors at Transmed, I will be waiting until July/August to see if any late growth occurs in the areas highlighted, as they have had this before with past patients where growth and improvement was observed in months 8-10. This will be clarified by Dr. Melike and her team when I fly there later this year where they will compare the number of grafts that have grown out of the extracted grafts.


I am happy with their recommendation and solemn concern they have shown thus far and promised me that all will be taken care of when I visit them this summer.


Again I will like to thank all those who have shown their support and concern and will keep you all updated with my progress.



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Considering clipper is only 6 months out from surgery, I find your advice to be very poor. Having been a member of this community since 2008, you should be well aware that patients need to give their hair transplant a full year to mature before evaluating a "result".


I have also not seen any "cheerleaders" for Dr. Kulahci giving her any credit that they didn't deserve.


Regarding clipper's case, Dr. Kulahci has every intention of fully standing behind her patient and making sure clipper ultimately gets the results he deserves. I'm sure if in another 6 months there are problem areas or less than optimal growth, that Transmed will stand behind him.


So you are aware however, we are already in the process of re-evaluating Dr. Kulahci, her experience, staff and results since she is being considered for the Coalition. So far, her work has been exceptional and over a dozen examples of her results can be found in the "Results Posted by Leading Hair Transplant Clinics" section of this forum.


Best Regards,



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I think waiting several months before drawing a final conclusion on your results is a good idea. I'm glad you and Taner had a chance to speak and come to a reasonable plan of action. I feel confident that Dr. Kulahci and her staff will take good care of you and in the event that you are less than satisfied with your procedure upon maturation, I trust they will help you get the head of hair you deserve.


I do hope that you'll keep us posted on your progress and the course of action you and they have worked out to help you meet your goals.


All the best,



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I just wanted to add that Whatever the outcome (good or bad) in a few months time when you see transmed, please please make sure you update us here, Even if Taner treats you in a plush restaurant for dinner!




I think you are a really great guy, i dont think i could do your job keeping up with thousands of threads. You must have a super memory.

However im surprised to hear here that Dr Kulachi is being considered for Coalation?

Im not trying to divert this topic or anything, neither do i have anything against Dr Kulachi or her Clinic, but you mention She has some 'Exceptional results' here. Ive just looked at them carefully....


What i can see on the patient blogs is five members showing results..... I will go through them now >>>>


Clipper - This topic says his story


Danny - only one pic straight after HT


Getnewhair - 4 months out pics - Great Result for four months (Exceptional result)


HunkyMonkey - NW2 patient (i cant see any massive result as he has tiny little hairs already in the pre-op pics) -


Mahmood - 6 month out with a comb over result so far (Not exceptional)


So, you can see clearly that there are only five patients sharing their experience. And, out of the five only one has 'Exceptional Result', IMO


I really had to clarify this as i feel HT clinics should have enough NW4 plus successful results to prove thier competancy, specially to be a coalation Doctor/clinic.

Bill, this is just my opinion im sure you know your job very well when approving doctors here.

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I'd like to stay on topic. However, since we haven't presented her publicly for potential Coalition, feel free to contact me privately if you'd like to discuss this further.


In the meantime, I suggest looking at the dozens of examples of Dr. Kulahci's results that have been posted in the "Results Posted by Leading Hair Transplant Clinics" section of the forum. Click here for all of TM's posts. You may also want to read all the comments under each album. I think you'll find the majority of them are very encouraging and supporive of Dr. Kulahci's skill and results.


Best wishes,



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ultimate - I will keep all of you updated as to how things go.


On another note I feel bad about where this thread has led. Please please guys lets not go into a full on debate as to whether Transmed should be re-evaluated or whether or not it should be considered for a coalition. It was the bad experience in the hands of Dr.Emirali which I wanted to express/share with you members and this has nothing to do with Dr.Kulahci's skills as a HT surgeon.

Surgery wise I still stand behind the great experience I had with Dr.Kulahci on my initial HT, although not happy with her forgetting the hairline, temples etc that frustrated me and having to go back to a different doctor for her mistake, leading to all this. I am sure If she did get it right in the first place, I wouldn't be having any of this misery.. Never the less the initial HT with Dr.Kulahci is still maturing and I'm sure I will see great results in the months to come.


Mistakes do happen and I should have acted more mature and waited until the one year mark to perhaps prove my case but I have faith in Dr.Kulahci and Taner and I am sure they will be doing their best to correct the temples.






Here's few photos to compare pre-op and 6.5 months post op from my initial HT with Dr. Kulahci







5.5months post-op



6.5months post-op




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yskhleif - I am one of the cheerleaders that you so often question. I have not gone anywhere and still visit this forum a couple of times a week.


Now to blow away some of your theories. I put my money where my mouth is - so much so that I have just this week spoken to Taner and booked another HT at Transmed. Only happy customers go back mate !!!


For me my expectations were realistic. I read the posts by SPEX and others and knew day 1 that being a Norwood 4, and not having a mega megasession like they do at Hasson and Wong by getting 5000 plus grafts, I would need a second HT. In my first, my Surgeon explained the level of density he was going for as we were targetting covering. In HT two , I am going for Density. As for photos, I said I would after the full result, its a personal choice, no obligation.


You have been on this forum nearly two years now. Time to make a decision I would say, but the decision is all yours. For me, I went to Transmed 11 months ago and experienced a proffesional clinic and team and was well looked after from the moment I set foot on Turkish soil with a driver waiting for me at the airport with my name ( you kinda feel special then ! ).


I am going back to see some old friends that I trust with this very delicate procedure.

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Mop, its great that you are a satisfied patient. Your right there is no obligations for pictures, for anybody. However, Hundreds of members take pride and time to do that although they dont have to in order to help everyone evaluate results from different doctors which helps the HT industry as a whole.


I respect your decision but without pictures it means nothing, you know that as well. Even some surgery pictures would mean alot.


Good luck with your upcoming procedure.

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I don't want to take this thread off topic however, is there a particular reason you don't want to share your photos? If you're concerned about your identity, you can always edit the photos to block out your face. I'm also willing to help you out with this if need be. Personally, I think you'd do a great service for yourself and this community by sharing your results.


Best wishes,



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the donor seems verry thin , so extraction of the FUE is not done correctly...

personaly i would not be happy with this result...

however to have the maximum result you need to waith 8 - 12 months , i noticed with my first ht what was a FUT that the most growth did come after the 7 - 8 month mark...


your FUT seems ok , but the FUE , extraction of donor is not ok , the extracted to much from same region , i had also done fue and i cant notice where grafts are extracted now... that how it schould be with fue


i would not jump to fast in a 3th ht , for the moment your using up limited donor...

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Wesley, yes it is obvious that the doctor extracted too many grafts from the same region. I've had a look at your thread and the FUE they carried out does indeed look impressive, happy growing icon_wink.gif


To be honest I am so far very happy with the FUT done by Dr. Kulahci, there has been a tremendous amount of growth in the last month alone and it seems like more growth is to be had in the course of the next couple of months.


The third HT is most probably going to involve touching up the temples to give it abit more density and mid hairline, so I doubt it's going to involve a lot of grafts.. In saying that I would like to have a fourth FUT procedure to have the crown touched up and add additional density to the frontal region.


Mop, I'm glad you had a satisfactory result with Transmed, if it wasn't for the second FUE and the way things have turned up I would no doubt agree with you. The service and the quality of work by Dr. Kulahci is brilliant. I second what Bill and others have said.. a picture is worth a thousand words so if you can then please get some pics of maybe only the surgery so we can all see your results.





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