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Am I losing hair or am I worrying over nothing?


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Recently checked out the top of my scalp and noticed what appears to be a bit of hair loss around the spots where my hair seems to begin growing from. Attached some photos. Please let me know is this normal or if I am starting to experience actual hair loss. I’m 24 and know that I am deficient in Vitamin B and slightly deficient in Vitamin D. Help!


Edited by snooper
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  • Senior Member

You have nothing to worry about, my over-anxious teenager :D

It's absolutely normal to lose up to 100 hairs every day. These are constantly growing back. Trouble and loss starts when the lost hair comes back miniaturized. 

Your photos show a healthy 'swirl' in the middle of your head. Unless you are going through some extremely difficult period in your life and shedding like crazy, I wouldn't even give it a second thought. 

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Are you sure? Sorry to be so nervous about it! It’s just what I see in this photo worries me. And by the way it’s the other way around. I’m slightly deficient in Vitamin B and deficient in Vitamin D lol just in case that matters at all!


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You remind me of myself when I was freaking out at 17. If you are really worried, jump on one of those harmless vitamin supplements (Saw palmetto, all vits, ladida) to give yourself the placebo effect.

If you are intent on being paranoid, no answer will satisfy you ever and you'll continue torturing yourself over nonexistent issues. 

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