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Transplant procedure - claustrophobia

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Hi everyone,

Looking for a bit of advice, I have a transplant procedure coming up next month and just reading and starting to prepare.

One thing that I never thought about until now, I suffer from claustrophobia and after watching a couple of videos, I'm definitely concerned about the lying face down in a pillow local anaesthetic stage. This will be very difficult. 

Can someone let me know, roughly, how long does this stage last? How long do you need to be lying face down? I'm hoping 20 minutes not 2 hours..

Also, can you think of any other stage that could be pretty uncomfortable for someone claustrophobic? I find the more prepared I am and less surprises, the better I will be.

Obviously I'll talk to the doctor about it on the day but it doesn't help that I'm getting the procedure done in a country where I don't speak much of the language which also complicates things, as things get lost in translation. 

Many thanks,





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1 minute ago, IanD said:

Hi everyone,

Looking for a bit of advice, I have a transplant procedure coming up next month and just reading and starting to prepare.

One thing that I never thought about until now, I suffer from claustrophobia and after watching a couple of videos, I'm definitely concerned about the lying face down in a pillow local anaesthetic stage. This will be very difficult. 

Can someone let me know, roughly, how long does this stage last? How long do you need to be lying face down? I'm hoping 20 minutes not 2 hours..

Also, can you think of any other stage that could be pretty uncomfortable for someone claustrophobic? I find the more prepared I am and less surprises, the better I will be.

Obviously I'll talk to the doctor about it on the day but it doesn't help that I'm getting the procedure done in a country where I don't speak much of the language which also complicates things, as things get lost in translation. 

Many thanks,





Who is the clinic ? Do they have a translator on hand ? That would help, the last thing you want is a problem communicating on the day of the procedure itself.

It really depends on just how much time you will spend laying face down, are you getting a lot of grafts done? What type of FUE are they performing? What type of anesthetiser are they using ? Are you having a PRP session too ? 

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They will give you valium at the beginning to relax you. It's not like you are in a enclosed place. It is just to let your head rest on something without your face being smothered.


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Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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They will also let you move or get up for a break if you need to.


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Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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Depending on the procedure, it usually lasts many hours. FUT is much shorter since it is a "quick slice" while FUE takes much longer as it's pulling grafts one by one. They should give you medication, possibly a benzo to calm you down along with the local anesthetic. 

I think what will help you get through is to think of the aftermath, the end result and not the means. You'll have to go through that difficult stage but it'll soon pass and you'll get the rewards of hair restoration that you are seeking. 

FUE 2400 Grafts (2023) - Dr. Panine; Chicago Hair Transplant Clinic

FUT 1400 Grafts (2019) - Dr. Steven Paul Holt; Holt Hair Restoration/Bella

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the replies, I've confirmed with the surgery that they do give you a sedative before, Valium 10mg (I've requested double... lol) so hopefully it will be OK. 

It's a claustrophobic situation, not because of the space - I'm sure the size of the room is fine but it's 'lack of control' and knowing what's happening behind your head that causes the same claustrophobic reaction.. tricky to explain but not pleasant and I've had it all my life.

The surgery is with Dr Freitas in Spain, I believe he doesn't speak English (my initial consultation was a long time ago) but they have a translator on hand.


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  • 6 months later...
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In general, absolutely fine.. not gonna lie, the first 10 minutes or so lying on my front were pretty tough for me.

They gave me the valium and I must have asked 100 times when is it suppose to kick in because my body was physically shaking in 'fight or flight' mode. But after about 10 minutes it definitely did work as I was calm and even fell asleep later on during the extraction. 
The rest of the procedure was not a problem as I was lying either more on side or back, which wasn't so bad. Everyone was very understanding as well.
My advice, go to a decent, reputable doctor not a 'in and out' hair mill and explain the situation with them before (and remind them on the day...) and I'm sure you'll be fine.
Maybe ask them to give you the valium a little earlier than normal too so you're not waiting for it..
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