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Everything posted by IanD

  1. Hi, How common is it to not have any follow up checks in the days after surgery? I have my FUE transplant next week but something I completely forgot to ask about in the consultation was about reviews / post surgery checks. I see a lot of photos and people talking about going to the clinic the day after the surgery or 12 days after surgery for a check etc. My first check after surgery is at 3 months (then 6 / 9 / 12). Is that common? I would feel more reassured if a doctor was checking it before 3 months.. (like day 3 or 5 or 7). I know I probably don't have anything to be concerned about if I follow the after care instructions, just thought it was a bit strange, especially in the 'premium price range'. Thanks, Ian
  2. Thanks for the replies, I've confirmed with the surgery that they do give you a sedative before, Valium 10mg (I've requested double... lol) so hopefully it will be OK. It's a claustrophobic situation, not because of the space - I'm sure the size of the room is fine but it's 'lack of control' and knowing what's happening behind your head that causes the same claustrophobic reaction.. tricky to explain but not pleasant and I've had it all my life. The surgery is with Dr Freitas in Spain, I believe he doesn't speak English (my initial consultation was a long time ago) but they have a translator on hand.
  3. Hi everyone, Looking for a bit of advice, I have a transplant procedure coming up next month and just reading and starting to prepare. One thing that I never thought about until now, I suffer from claustrophobia and after watching a couple of videos, I'm definitely concerned about the lying face down in a pillow local anaesthetic stage. This will be very difficult. Can someone let me know, roughly, how long does this stage last? How long do you need to be lying face down? I'm hoping 20 minutes not 2 hours.. Also, can you think of any other stage that could be pretty uncomfortable for someone claustrophobic? I find the more prepared I am and less surprises, the better I will be. Obviously I'll talk to the doctor about it on the day but it doesn't help that I'm getting the procedure done in a country where I don't speak much of the language which also complicates things, as things get lost in translation. Many thanks, Ian
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