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Transplant at 22 NW3. Quick question.

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3 minutes ago, davidn said:

Thanks for the lecture, did not have to google it As a statistics major, I mentioned that countless studies have found the same incidence for side effects and you reference a replication crisis? This does not make any sense, I just mentioned that it was replicated over and over. Nothing wrong with anecdotal evidence, but if you talk about skewed data. We do not have anything close to a random sample nor a control group by reading reports on the internet and especially a hair transplant forum. This introduces various data biases, first and foremost selection bias.  I leave it here, but I would rather trust the FDA decision which is rather thorough in evaluating drugs, especially in dermatology/aesthethics than reports on the internet. But I genuinely wish you the best, I think it can work out with multiple hair transplants, I just think it is worth trying.

I don't really think a 6 sentence post is a lecture but ok mate

Do whatever you want. Just know that messing with your endocrine system is tricky business and something that a lot of people are very brazen about thanks to some uneducated reading of peer reviewed studies. Their is likely a genetic component to who gets very bad fin side effects so in a way it is a bit of Russian Roulette. But if the risk is worth it to you by all means go ahead because their are plenty of people who take it with no problems too. 

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  • Senior Member
6 minutes ago, GoliGoliGoli said:

I don't really think a 6 sentence post is a lecture but ok mate

Do whatever you want. Just know that messing with your endocrine system is tricky business and something that a lot of people are very brazen about thanks to some uneducated reading of peer reviewed studies. Their is likely a genetic component to who gets very bad fin side effects so in a way it is a bit of Russian Roulette. But if the risk is worth it to you by all means go ahead because their are plenty of people who take it with no problems too. 

All good. I understand your decision too for sure. I would lie if I told you that I love the drug. I just meant that it might be worth trying. It all depends on pattern and donor at the end of the day. There are two drugs in advanced clinical trials as well which might help with maintenance, Breezula and Pyrilutamide.



Edited by davidn
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1 hour ago, davidn said:

I think they are pretty noticable. I wouldn't feel comfortable like that in public (I mean when he did a 0 Guard, his transplant looks amazing otherwise). But its all subjective. If you would, thats good. Statistically speaking chances are your scarring will look better, as he had almost 7000 grafts, a large skin hair contrast and almost keloid scarring. 

Not to continue hijacking the thread (But since the consensus is 100% that OP shouldn't get a HT yet I don't feel so bad), but I would say that the noticeability of those scars SHOULD decrease over time as is the case with any scaring, especially when it's "micro-scarring" like with FUE. Maybe I'm wrong but just my thought

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9 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

Well, assuming you get on fin, you could potentially get one sooner maybe at 25. My suggestion was with the assumption you would continue not taking medication. 

Fin is proven. It can stop you from becoming a Norwood 6, and it doesn’t lose efficacy. You will still continue to bald because it is not eliminating DHT completely. So the accumulative effects of DHT would become apparent over time, but if you can keep the crown from balding, you’ve won half the battle in terms of hair restoration.

There’s a few cases here the most famous @MazAB who got on fin at 24, father and uncles were Norwood 6 by 30s, he’s now 50 and maintained at Norwood 3. 

Again, my advice is to start off on the topical. If I could do it all over that’s what I would do. I started on oral fin at your age, got sides and gave up. That cost me dearly. Unfortunately, topical fin wasn’t readily available as it is now. Actually, I think you’d be a good candidate for the xyonhealth topical that’s being given away for a year to the top 5 candidates. You should definitely apply. 


Applied! Thanks for the heads up.

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14 hours ago, Transplant ruined my life said:

Sure bro. 

But Finasteride is necessary to stay "as close as possible to the illusion of full head of hair". 

There is only so many hairs that you can transplant from the donor (without it looking moth-eaten) and your recipient area looking full enough. 

Take at look at Lorenzo fuecapilar's videos. 

I'm not a fan of that hairmill surgeon at all. 

But he has some interesting documented cases showing long term evolutions of patients combining transplants and finasteride, some stopping finasteride, getting multiples surgeries. You'll see what I'm talking about. 

The point is that you can never really replace what you lost and make it look dense (by dense I mean normal native density) with transplants.  But it's much easier to keep what you have  with finasteride. 


can you link the videos?

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