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shock loss or the real deal?

jimmy spokan

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hey. i'm creeping up on 3 months post-op now and for the past month have been noticing a large amount of hairloss. i was about a norwood 3 and just had work on my temples done and that's starting to come in fine (it's neat to watch those little buggers pop up) but my original hair near that area is starting to get really thin. I would normally just attribute it to shock loss and convince myself that it will grow back in time but it's in a normal baldness pattern (diffusely on the front half of the scalp with a little island in the front). after surgery, I continued taking avodart every other day (my normal regimen) but i had stopped using rogaine for 6 weeks per Dr's recommendations (although, looking back, i should've used it everywhere else and just not on the surgery site). also taking 3000mg MSM everyday and using nizoral shampoo.


anyway, just wondering if anybody's been through a similar experience and had everything turn up fine in the end or continued having pronounced hairloss in those areas. i was hoping to be able to hold hair the rest of my hair with meds but it looks like i might be up for another procedure within a year.

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hey. i'm creeping up on 3 months post-op now and for the past month have been noticing a large amount of hairloss. i was about a norwood 3 and just had work on my temples done and that's starting to come in fine (it's neat to watch those little buggers pop up) but my original hair near that area is starting to get really thin. I would normally just attribute it to shock loss and convince myself that it will grow back in time but it's in a normal baldness pattern (diffusely on the front half of the scalp with a little island in the front). after surgery, I continued taking avodart every other day (my normal regimen) but i had stopped using rogaine for 6 weeks per Dr's recommendations (although, looking back, i should've used it everywhere else and just not on the surgery site). also taking 3000mg MSM everyday and using nizoral shampoo.


anyway, just wondering if anybody's been through a similar experience and had everything turn up fine in the end or continued having pronounced hairloss in those areas. i was hoping to be able to hold hair the rest of my hair with meds but it looks like i might be up for another procedure within a year.

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  • Senior Member

hey jimmy,


After my first HT, I had excellerated hairloss in the front area, and behind the HT work.


Unfotunately it never grew back. It was my future hairloss excellerated, and at an extremely noticable pace.

Within 6 months after my HT, the progression slowly halted, but the horror it left behind was there for good.


Now this may not be your case, but it is quit possible that this maybe what is happening.

Go see your doctor and have him check it out. Or a dermatolagist that is familiar with HT work.


Best of luck and keep us updated.

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  • Regular Member

I had a lot of shedding from around week 8-13 (maybe 60 hairs lost while showering & combing and lots of hairs on pillow). After that the shedding stopped and all was back to normal (maybe 10-20 hairs lost during showering and combing).


Another note, I started back on Rogaine5% on day 2 after surgery. Your shedding may have something to do with the 6 week Rogaine layoff too.

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