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I've added some more photos

Guest Gunner1886

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Guest Gunner1886

Quick summery:-




Propecia 1mg from April 03 - Jan 04

Proscar 1.25mg from Jan 04 - July 04

Fincar 1.25mg from July 04 - present.


Thing is, I'm not sure about Fincar personally. I want to get back on propecia ASAP. This is my view only.




May 03 - Sept 03 (4 months) I then stopped (like an idiot) and went through a killer shed. Have a look at photos to see the shed. This destroyed me. I advise no one to stop minox once you start it. Worst mistake you can make. Anyway, I re-started it again at the end of December.


Dec 27 03 - Present. 8 months. Seen some growth, but still hasn't recovered what to what it was before I lost loads due to the killer shed from stopping.




Been using this for over a year.


Spiro 5%


Been on this for under 2 weeks. It smells like crap, but I use it after minox, 2 hours after, sometimes 4 hours after.


Is this right?




Take 2 tabs per day. 2000mg. I take it because everyone else does. Yes, I might as well get 'idiot' tattooed on my forehead.


Multi vits


B-complex, plus Fish oil omega Multi-vits. I've been on multi-vits for over 2 months. Haven't noticed jack.


Overall, it seems a waste of time. I'm not getting any rewards for persistence. Yes, I was stupid for stopping minox. I was uneducated and found it a pain to apply each morning. Now I'm left with no choice. Luckily I wear a hat to work.




I'm going to see my GP on Friday. I'll ask him if I can see a dermatologist. I'll also tell him various over problems I have due to hair loss. I hope he understands, but like many other things I attempt these days, it will probably all go drastically pear-shaped and he'll mis-understand what I am trying to tell him.


Anyway, I've taken a few pictures in different lighting.


Daylight indoors, light bulb on indoors & light bulb darkish area indoors.


Over the last year, it's got worse looking at my pics.


Got worse at the back of the head and I can't grow it out because it's diffused even more.


It's wrecked my appearance a lot, and this is the reason my life has gone downhill.


It's gone downhill because I'm forced to shave my head, which I just can't pull off like many can.


Lighting tells a different story, which is annoying because you cannot get an accurate view.


To be honest, since I've shaved my head, peoples perception of me is 'criminal'. This makes me sick to the stomach considering stealing a grape from Tesco (when I was about 4) is about the only 'criminal offence' I have ever committed. When I say, criminal, this has probably due to the fact, my face is a picture of depression. Not good to say the least.


I've been on finasteride for year and 4 months, minox for 8 months now. I need more. I need more of a reward then what I've got.

I started Spiro 5% over a week ago now.


That's 3 I'm using - Fin, minox and Spiro (as well as Nizoral). I don't known what to expect with Spiro, I'll see. But I really need more then this. Like I say, I wish I had density.


Is there anyway I could change this via a HT now you've seen some clearer photos? Like I say, density is what we all want.


Anyway, here are the photos




August 30th onwards, about 16 new ones of my (lack of) progress.


Hopefully this report might also help others.



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  • Senior Member


good post..

and great set of photo's!!


I, in good faith, would not recommend HT work!

You have, what appears to be a good head of healthy hair. I couldn't imagine any doctor, in good faith, saying you are a good candidate.


This is strictly my opinion.


But if you do however, decide to continue, please consider FUE, and look outside of the U.K.


Do some research, and hopefully you will see what I see. Good Luck in your venture!

And stay the course of regimine you are on.

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Guest Gunner1886

Basically, I cannot grow my hair out.


I need/require density. The regimen isn't going to give me the results I require, that's why I feel I need to go down the HT route at some stage.


When it grows out it looks diffuse and unstyleable, that's the thing.

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In the pictures where your head is shaved, you look like you have a full head of hair. I agree with HBT that a hair transplant should probably not be in your immediate future.


There is an excellent chance that hair-loss treatments and hair transplant surgeries will keep improving, so the longer you can wait, the better off you'll be.


I empathize with you a great deal though, because when I was 22 I first noticed what I thought was recession at my left temple. I was completely wrecked and depressed at this discovery, even though it wasn't noticeable to anyone but me. I know what a toll it can take on your self-esteem(as do many others here), yet I'm so thankful today that I did not go thru with that Bosley HT back in the day.


Hang in there.

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absolutely.. Dude, I'm 29, and hairloss has wrecked my look and asteam.

When I was thinning in my early 20's, I had all the self confidence in the world. Which I hope you find.


Sometimes it only appears bad to you, but to John Q public, like I, it looks like nothing.


Seriously, I can not tell that you have even remotely thinned or balded in any way.

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I know that you may not want to hear this, but I totally agree with HBT and Biff. I do not think that you are a good candidate at this time for a hair transplant procedure simply do to the fact that your hair loss is almost all diffuse. If you had a major recession in the hair line and nice, thick hair behind it then that would be a totally different story.


Now, that I gave you my opinion on the "bad news," I will give what advise that I can: I would definitely keep the regimen that you are currently using. I stand by everything you take except for the "Spiro." I have not personally seen any results from the use of this topical that would make me include it into my regimen. If anyone else has, I would certainly like to see some evidence that it does actually help.


I believe that if you grew your hair to a length of around 1 to 2 inches (2.5 cm to 5 cm) and were happy with that length you would benefit greatly from a concealer. Concealers may not be real hair and can be a pain at first, but the results that modern concealers give is nothing less than amazing.


I posted this thread about Toppik and Couvre' before I became the forum moderator. I think that the pictures there show what a little creative artistry can do for you.


Also, if you want some information on other concealers go here.


Best of luck to you.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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First your pics look pretty damm good! Your combination med/vitamin/shampoo treatment is saving your head. You said it has gotten thinner in the year, but just imagine what it would be like if you didnt use the regiment you use?? I bet you would be a NW 4 right now!

I would not do a HT, the top doctors-- looking at your pics-- would probably only do HT on your hairline-vertex-temple areas-- THAT IS IT! Any doctor you conducts an overall coverage HT on you is not looking at your best interest. YOu think you have thinning now, with shock loss-- every HT transplant in your existing hair could result in orginal hair fall out and you would have less total in the end thna you started with.

If it is really bothering you, go to a surgeon who does great hairline work, and get you temple/hairline done. In 10 years, you will not regret waiting.

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Guest Gunner1886

Not really what I wanted to hear.


Basically, my life is a mess because of this problem. My pictures do not do the situation justice. Diffuse thinning is a nightmare.


I can't pull off the shaved look. My hair line is a nightmare to say the least. My appearance is a disaster because it.


My hair isn't cosmetically acceptable. To me anyway. From a few angles it might appear alright, but reality is, it isn't.


I cannot grow it out. I wear a hat every day. I can't be myself. I'm being held back beyond belief. I scour these forums every day hoping I will find some sort of answer. Offer that hope that I can restore my hair to make it half acceptable.


I've just lost a girlfriend because of this. I never smile and will be always looked on as a waster.


Damn, this is such an unfair tag.


2 years I've wasted of my life. Worrying about this. I can't just accept it, like many suggest.




Reality is I have little hope, If I can't find a solution to this.

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Great posts. Hang in there. I am a diffuse thinner as well and I have been agonizing over whether to get a HT. Like you, I've been giving meds a chance (for about six months now) and at a full year;s time, I am going to reassess whether I need a HT.


You're getting some good advice here. It is trickier to do HTs for diffuse thinners, mostly due to recipient area shock loss.


As knowledgeable as many of the posters here are, there is no substitute for making an appointment with a live doctor who can examine you in person and give you an expert view. You should try to see a few different doctors and see what they tell you.


Good luck!

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Embrace the shaved head! hit the sun bed, lift weights, dress up in suits/ dress shirts/ golf/ rudgby shirts, chinos and more mature duds. Forget the manchester United gear. Reinvent yourself.


BTW Your comment about MSM is funny, I bought the stuff and have never opened it.

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