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PRP or any treatment

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Hi guys,

Hope you find well,

Soo, i saw that in the company that I work i have 30% discount on Insparya,

And I want to know or advice doing some treatment on a hair mill company.

I want to do an HT, possible with Dr. Pinto at Portugal,

But it will only be done in 2023, so do you advice doig any treatment before? Or is best after? And it's ok doing a treatment in a Hair mill company?

Thank you for all the help :)


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1 hour ago, Alex94gasp said:

And it's ok doing a treatment in a Hair mill company?

I would run a mile form any hair mill regardless of the treatment being offered. Surgical or otherwise. It's probably best to contact Dr Pinto and ask what you could be doing before your surgery? Are you taking anything now for your hair loss such as finasteride, minoxidil, etc? All the best!

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Yiu still have a significant amount of hair on top of your head so if you’re not already doing so, I strongly recommend you consider using finasteride in order to slow down, stop or reverse the progression of male pattern baldness.  This is essentially perfect since you aren’t looking to undergo surgery for another year anyway since it’s recommended that you use finasteride for at least a year prior to evaluating its efficacy.

Also, you used the words “hair mill“. I’m not sure if you used them in advertently or not but be very cautious and careful in your selection of hair transplant clinic. In my opinion, take your time and research all surgeons/clinics you are considering.  Select Ian Clinic itself isn’t good enough in my opinion, you need to be confident that the surgeon who’s performing your surgery has a proven track record of producing outstanding results. While an entire team is required to perform your hair transplant, the surgeon is also in the one who leads the team and is responsible for training them.  so in reality, a team is only as good as the surgeon who’s trained them and leads them.  Be weary of clinics that don’t give you the name of the surgeon operating on your scalp. Instead I would do the following:

1. Start with physician members of the coalition of independent hair restoration physicians - those are the surgeons recommended by this community who have proven to meet the highest level of standards.  

2. Use this discussion forum to view patient results (both photos and videos) posted by real patients and clinics.  You can also use the search feature to find any posts and results related to a specific surgeon or location.  

3. Narrow your selection down to 3 to 5 surgeons you’re most impressed with

4. Speak or meet with real patients of those 3 to 5 surgeons are considering to view their results and learn more specifically about their experiences

5. Consult with those 3 to 5 surgeons. Make sure you come up with a list of viable consult questions that you want to ask each doctor/clinic. I can help you with that if you need some direction.

6. Finally, select the surgeon you are most impressed with and connect with the most and book your procedure.

7. Use this forum community for support before, during and after your procedure all the way up to and beyond when your results grow in.

The above steps should really help you in selecting a surgeon and truly getting the best results. Anything else may lead you into an unknown territory which may or may not result in what you want.

Best wishes,

Rahal Hair Transplant 

Edited by Rahal Hair Transplant
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Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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