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Do you still lose hair when you cut them short?

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When I had longer hairs, I could see them every day on my desk  after falling out, however, after shaving to buzz cut, I never see those hairs anymore on my table, it feels like my hair don't fall out anymore. Does keeping hair short prevent them from falling out?

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Nope, the only benefit of the shorter length is that its more difficult to apply any pulling tension from your hands or anything else that comes into contact with your head, like headwear. And its more difficult to notice or see the buzzed hairs when they do shed because they are so much smaller than longer length hairs. 

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There are two types of loss.  Shedding - which is normal, and hair loss.  The follicle gets tired of producing hair so it goes into a dormant period.  3-4 later the hair returns.  This happens randomly to all the hair in your head.  So, even if you cut the hair short, this will still happen.  The only reason why you were able to keep track of it was the fact that it was longer. Hair loss is different.

Under a bright light start looking at the hair on the hairline. Notice each strand.  Some thick and some thinner.  We refer to this process as miniaturization.  Eventually the hair dissipates and disappears. Once gone, the hair does not return.  That's hair loss. 

Propecia, Rogaine, PRP and Laser are the modalities we typically discuss when dealing with this condition.  Are you doing any of them?

Patient Consultant for Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. 

I am not a medical professional and my comments should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own. 

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you just notice them less because its way smaller and shorter,

also depending on your root strength, longer hair means it's easier for them to fall out due to accidental pull.

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8 hours ago, SoSoz said:

When I had longer hairs, I could see them every day on my desk  after falling out, however, after shaving to buzz cut, I never see those hairs anymore on my table, it feels like my hair don't fall out anymore. Does keeping hair short prevent them from falling out?

Keeping short hair does not prevent then from falling off. They will continue to fall as per the hair cycle and you will normally lose 50 to 100 hair per day. It is nothing to be worried about.

If you have androgenetic alopecia then the miniaturization will continue. You can see a dermatologist about it and get a proper consultation.

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