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ReverseHairTransplant process


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  • Senior Member

Yes, you can have the grafts revised or removed. A lot of guys have needed to have this done, there is information on the net, but it takes some effort to track it down and then sort out the various options. There is no one size fits all solution.


A lot of your decision making is going to be influenced by how many grafts you have, how bad they look, where they were placed, what your standard of success is, etc. Any time you have surgery there are scars. You can diminish scars significntly but you can't eliminate them completely. People have discussed using the various types of lasers (ablative and non ablative) dermabrasion, etc. You need to find expert advice and top level people, you don't want to make your problems any worse than they already are.


Here's an interesting link for a place that does this kind of work, there are certainly others.



Should you go the laser or dermabrasion route, there are forums where those techniques are discussed the same way that hair transplants get discussed here.


I suggest that you meet with several hair transplant surgeons who regularly do corrective surgery, for informatinal purposes. Some of these doctors may suggest revising your grafts and adding new grafts, to try to improve your transplant rather than reverse it. You should consider this as an option. Anyway, be aware that some guys get disappointed when they ask a doctor about reversal and the doctor prefers to move forward instead. Be open to all options but stick to your guns too. I recommend that you go whichever route will look the most natural when you are done.

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