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How does heat affect the transplant results

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  • Regular Member

My mom asked me to get into the kitchen and switch off the stove. When I opened the kitchen door it was too hot inside. I fear if that heat would have damaged the grafts. Pls help. It was 5th day after HT. I was inside for about a minute. The kitchen is extremely small as well.

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  • Senior Member

You are 100 percent OK , We have all been there . The first month after a hair transplant we constantly ask those questions and have those worries . It s all normal and you are fine .

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  • Senior Member

All good. :)

It's very well known that everyone gets anxious after a hair transplant, we begin to overthink every little thing.

You're fine sir, honestly.  There's no way being exposed to that heat for a minute or two would damage the transplant.

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