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Please give feedback on my clinic choice, pictures included and a medicine question.


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I'm planning to do a HT in July.
I've been talking to Qunomedical who helped checking with different clinics.
In the end i was considering Smile hair clinic, Acibadem hostpital or Suzermed.

I reserved a spot at Suzermed now and they seem to have a good rating and Dr. Faith has 16 years experience. But on this forum i can't see any posts about them. Any no longer reviews on youtube. But the before and after pictures look great and different hair lines. I will need about 3000 grafts and it will cost me 2000 euro.

Does that sound like a good plan?
I will be in Italy on vacation right before so i could consider a clinic there or close as well.

Lastly, my hair has stopped receding now pretty much but never been on fin or min. Will start now tho but should i start after the HT or now even if it's only 3 months left?

Thanks so much for anyone that has time to help!




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Please stop and reassess your situation, you’re choosing some very poor clinics here. Don’t use any middle men, especially the like of Quonomedical. 
You can spend time here on the forum and actually see real results and full 12 month journeys. Online reviews on places like Yelp/FB/Insta/Trustpilot etc are not to be trusted and are full of shills. 
€2000 Euro is a sure fire of a very poor hair transplant and a very high risk of damage to your donor area, absolutely nobody here will recommend you go price hunting this low.

First you need to find a decent/ethical clinic which has the Dr involved in the procedure, and one which is able to show actual results on a very regular basis. 
You need to find a Dr/Clinic which is best suited for your needs and not just your pocket. It’s a mistake we see every single day, if you need to save up more then so be it. This is a life long procedure you’re looking at getting, absolutely not one to be saving €s on. 

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1 hour ago, J.A.C said:

Please do show us some pics of your current situation, we can guide you to much, much better choices of Dr/Clinic ! 🙏

I uploaded a few pictures now. Looked at some other threads and seems you have massive knowledge regarding clinics and countries. I'm going to Italy for vacation first and then planned to go to Instanbul to get it done. But maybe there's some good places in Italy as well, have a budget on around 2500 euro. Thanks for taking your time!

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  • Tefached changed the title to Please give feedback on my clinic choice, pictures included and a medicine question.
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10 minutes ago, Tefached said:

I uploaded a few pictures now. Looked at some other threads and seems you have massive knowledge regarding clinics and countries. I'm going to Italy for vacation first and then planned to go to Instanbul to get it done. But maybe there's some good places in Italy as well, have a budget on around 2500 euro. Thanks for taking your time!

Unfortunately their isn’t any particular clinics In Italy I can recommend either. To be blunt the best Drs/Clinics are not in Turkey. But if you’re going to choose any then look at Dr Turan/Dr Gur, Dr Bicer, Dr Demirsoy and Dr Yaman, at least those will have a Dr doing the most important step (incisions/channel openings) and we have results for all of them here on the forum. What I don’t want you to do is just look for cost, it never ends well. The above are as cost effective as you can get without going too low. I can’t stress that enough, if you want the best chance of a good result then I would look toward Spain/Portugal/Belgium or HDC (Cyprus), even Eugenix has a price tier system which is very affordable. It’s going to be worth saving more € to get a better Dr/Clinic. Or a very real possibility is that you will be seeking a costly repair after the first procedure, this happens more often than you can imagine. Our job here is to steer people away from the poor choices and stop this happening. We don’t sell we educate. 

Edited by J.A.C
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How old are you ? Your pattern of loss shows you’re heading toward a Norwood 5/6. Definitely speak to your Dr and/or a Dermatologist about starting Fin as soon as possible, you do have a lot of hair to strengthen/save. What country are you based in ? Looking at your pics I would say the graft range is going to be 3k+ 

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15 minutes ago, J.A.C said:

How old are you ? Your pattern of loss shows you’re heading toward a Norwood 5/6. Definitely speak to your Dr and/or a Dermatologist about starting Fin as soon as possible, you do have a lot of hair to strengthen/save. What country are you based in ? Looking at your pics I would say the graft range is going to be 3k+ 

Turning 30 this year. Ye will go to the doctor this week to get started with Fin and Min.
I live in Sweden. Going on Vacation to Italy and after that to a country to do the HT due to a long vacation after the trip to heal before working again. But to be honest i can do to another country as well. Just thought Turkey was leading in HT and i could get it done for about 2500 euros. I understand i will need to get another one in 10 years or so.
Sent mails to the doctors you listed above for an estimate as well.

People like you are really the MVP of the internet.

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4 minutes ago, Tefached said:

Just thought Turkey was leading in HT

It is a a urban myth, 99.9% of clinics are low quality and/or hair mills. What draws people in is the ridiculously cheap prices and equally ridiculous the claims they make, the marketing is strong for them too. The best work is being done elsewhere in the World, Spain/Belgium/Portugal/US/Jordan/Swiss + India (Eugenix) just as some much better examples… spend some time on the forum and you will discover this for yourself. And you will also come access a lot of the repair/poor results from others, they don’t get deleted here, you will see the good/bad/ugly. 

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you can get a good HT @2500, but with how your hairline has progressed... don't take anyone who says 2500 is enough to top you up.

if you only need around 1000 grafts, that 2.5k EUR is aplenty, but i think you'll need more than 3000 graft to cover up to the point you'd be happy with it ...

budget is one of the main reason to pick clinic, but any botched work will cost you way more, so the first consideration is always the surgeon and their works.

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22 hours ago, J.A.C said:

It is a a urban myth, 99.9% of clinics are low quality and/or hair mills. What draws people in is the ridiculously cheap prices and equally ridiculous the claims they make, the marketing is strong for them too. The best work is being done elsewhere in the World, Spain/Belgium/Portugal/US/Jordan/Swiss + India (Eugenix) just as some much better examples… spend some time on the forum and you will discover this for yourself. And you will also come access a lot of the repair/poor results from others, they don’t get deleted here, you will see the good/bad/ugly. 

Okey i understand.
May i DM another question or two?

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1 hour ago, J.A.C said:

I’m happy to respond here, my messages are switched off. 👍🏽

I will drop my booking at Suzermed clinic, thinking of trying fin and min for 1 year and see what happens. But my second choice was smile hair clinic with Dr. Mehmet Erdogan
That seems pretty good and would be just over 2500 euros and overall seems to have good rating, you think that's a awful pick as well? If so i will travel to Spain next year, is there any clinics/doctors what could make a great HT for max 3000 euros based on my pictures?

Again thank you so much for your time. 

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  • Senior Member
4 minutes ago, Tefached said:

I will drop my booking at Suzermed clinic, thinking of trying fin and min for 1 year and see what happens. But my second choice was smile hair clinic with Dr. Mehmet Erdogan
That seems pretty good https://www.qunomedical.com/en/dr-mehmet-erdogan-md and would be just over 2500 euros and overall seems to have good rating, you think that's a awful pick as well? If so i will travel to Spain next year, is there any clinics/doctors what could make a great HT for max 3000 euros based on my pictures?

Again thank you so much for your time. 

You’re still looking at the price as opposed to the Dr/Clinic that is right for you. Stop looking via Quornmedical. Seems to have a good rating according to who ? 
Look here on the forum for actual real results, if you can’t find any then it’s a red flag usually. All of the decent choices are spoken about and mentioned often, don’t be taken in by a)Price b) Questionable reviews c) Marketing 

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42 minutes ago, J.A.C said:

You’re still looking at the price as opposed to the Dr/Clinic that is right for you. Stop looking via Quornmedical. Seems to have a good rating according to who ? 
Look here on the forum for actual real results, if you can’t find any then it’s a red flag usually. All of the decent choices are spoken about and mentioned often, don’t be taken in by a)Price b) Questionable reviews c) Marketing 

But price is important. The difference between 3k euro and 9k is massive. Only been looking at this forum for a few days now but most be some solid doctors for around 3k euro. But i do understand now that the doctor don't matter to much if there's techs doing all the work pretty much.

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4 minutes ago, Tefached said:

But price is important. The difference between 3k euro and 9k is massive. Only been looking at this forum for a few days now but most be some solid doctors for around 3k euro. But i do understand now that the doctor don't matter to much if there's techs doing all the work pretty much.

The most important step is the incision/channel making step, this is the very least a Dr should be doing. It’s still possible to choose someone like Dr Demirsoy (€1.50 per graft), Dr Bicer (€2 per graft) or Dr Yaman who’s prices seem to vary a lot. 
Just for example some of those have had the same Techs for many years, what you don’t want is little or no Dr and a tech driven procedure for which you have no idea about. Its worth saving more if you need too, however with the choices I just gave these are the absolute lowest prices I would ever recommend, along with Dr Turan or Dr Gur. 
Imagine getting a poor procedure and having to repair it, that’s exactly what will happen if you choose a low price and a hair mill or poor clinic. And you will come back to the forum asking for advice again in another 12 months time. Seen it and dealt with it over the last decade of me being here. You’re next procedure would have a compromised donor and it would cost even more to repair. 
If you want to take the massive risk then it’s literally on your head/scalp. We have pre warned you. This is typical of what can happen:


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20 minutes ago, J.A.C said:

The most important step is the incision/channel making step, this is the very least a Dr should be doing. It’s still possible to choose someone like Dr Demirsoy (€1.50 per graft), Dr Bicer (€2 per graft) or Dr Yaman who’s prices seem to vary a lot. 
Just for example some of those have had the same Techs for many years, what you don’t want is little or no Dr and a tech driven procedure for which you have no idea about. Its worth saving more if you need too, however with the choices I just gave these are the absolute lowest prices I would ever recommend, along with Dr Turan or Dr Gur. 
Imagine getting a poor procedure and having to repair it, that’s exactly what will happen if you choose a low price and a hair mill or poor clinic. And you will come back to the forum asking for advice again in another 12 months time. Seen it and dealt with it over the last decade of me being here. You’re next procedure would have a compromised donor and it would cost even more to repair. 
If you want to take the massive risk then it’s literally on your head/scalp. We have pre warned you. This is typical of what can happen:


Okey, i will look at Bicers and Demirsoys work. Or i'll just try fin and min for 1 year and try Spain next year. 
Will take more time researching now. Thanks for being a legend at this forum.

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1 minute ago, Tefached said:

Okey, i will look at Bicers and Demirsoys work. Or i'll just try fin and min for 1 year and try Spain next year. 
Will take more time researching now. Thanks for being a legend at this forum.

Yeh the more research the better, absolutely no rush ! Fin/Minox and review again in a years time sounds good 👌 

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