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Fue transplant Turkey

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Hi all, I have just stumbled across this forum. 

I have been planning on going to Istanbul to get a fue transplant for the last 2 years but due to covid I’ve not managed. I am going to travel to marmaris Turkey next week (I normally go here 3+ times a year) and have seen a clinic in marmaris that do fue. The problem is I think he is new to ht as he can’t send me pics of completed surgeries but I know of people that have used him for other reasons and have been happy with his work. 

I am in 2 minds what to do. Do I take the risk on the basis that I’m am there anyway and go regular so if there are issues I’m not going out my way to revisit? The fact I can’t get any info on previous hat’s but I get that everyone has to start somewhere and someone has to be first to get done. Or do I wait till I can travel to Istanbul and got to a known surgeon?


I need 4000 grafts, what’s the worst that can happen if he messes up?




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22 minutes ago, Nevets said:

Hi all, I have just stumbled across this forum. 

I have been planning on going to Istanbul to get a fue transplant for the last 2 years but due to covid I’ve not managed. I am going to travel to marmaris Turkey next week (I normally go here 3+ times a year) and have seen a clinic in marmaris that do fue. The problem is I think he is new to ht as he can’t send me pics of completed surgeries but I know of people that have used him for other reasons and have been happy with his work. 

I am in 2 minds what to do. Do I take the risk on the basis that I’m am there anyway and go regular so if there are issues I’m not going out my way to revisit? The fact I can’t get any info on previous hat’s but I get that everyone has to start somewhere and someone has to be first to get done. Or do I wait till I can travel to Istanbul and got to a known surgeon?


I need 4000 grafts, what’s the worst that can happen if he messes up?




The worst? 

Well, if we're going to be brutally honest. Death. Rare, but probably the worst thing that could happen. 

Worst things realistically? 

Severe over harvesting of the donor area and high transection rate. Poor design with pluggy multi-grafts and sub par survival rate and a lack of density. 

Necrosis of the area and probably a slew more issues. 

Now, if i was in your position i would slowly back away, pull over calmly to the side of the hair transplant highway rest stop and take a break to do some research to find a better place to go. Have some Finasteride and other appropriate hair restoration medications, and maybe refuel the bank account to go to a better and more reputable hair transplant clinic. 

You never mentioned how old you are, if you are on any medication already and most importantly we don't know how your hair loss looks. 

Please post a few pictures with a blurred face if you like of your frontal look, 3/4 profile, sides and back donor picture as well as one top down of the crown, midscalp and frontal area. It will help people get a better idea. 

Final words. Do NOT go with this person. It sounds like you will regret it. 

Edited by NARMAK
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Turkey is full of hair mills that scar people for life. Go to a professional and reduce your risk of a failed HT. Turkey is really not a great place for a HT all together so take your time and do research before proceeding. 

Going to a doctor with no known cases seems like a horrible idea and I hope that you realize that the worst likely will happen. Hair Transplant Surgery is a surgical procedure that requires real skills to perform well. You want the end result to look natural. This takes many years of practice for top Dr's to achieve. A shady clinic hasn't performed enough surgery to gain the required skills and will likely screw up your hair. 

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  • Senior Member
1 hour ago, Nevets said:

Hi all, I have just stumbled across this forum. 

I have been planning on going to Istanbul to get a fue transplant for the last 2 years but due to covid I’ve not managed. I am going to travel to marmaris Turkey next week (I normally go here 3+ times a year) and have seen a clinic in marmaris that do fue. The problem is I think he is new to ht as he can’t send me pics of completed surgeries but I know of people that have used him for other reasons and have been happy with his work. 

I am in 2 minds what to do. Do I take the risk on the basis that I’m am there anyway and go regular so if there are issues I’m not going out my way to revisit? The fact I can’t get any info on previous hat’s but I get that everyone has to start somewhere and someone has to be first to get done. Or do I wait till I can travel to Istanbul and got to a known surgeon?


I need 4000 grafts, what’s the worst that can happen if he messes up?




Do not go to an unknown doctor.

I went to a clinic in Istanbul (Asli Tarcan) on a whim a mere 3 weeks after deciding that I wanted a HT.

They absolutely destroyed my hair!!! The back of my head looks absolutely awful and the top hasn't grown in properly. The hairline is pluggy, the hair is not dense, and I have huge holes in my head.

I've spent probably £1800 on SMP and now I'm going to try and fix the damage with another transplant, and I may even have to end up doing two transplants to fully fix the damage.

So overall, £10,000+ to fix a €2000 garbage job by the crooks of Asli Tarcan.

Don't do it. Find someone with a legit track record.

Edited by Aslitarcan sucks
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1 hour ago, Aslitarcan sucks said:

Do not go to an unknown doctor.

I went to a clinic in Istanbul (Asli Tarcan) on a whim a mere 3 weeks after deciding that I wanted a HT.

They absolutely destroyed my hair!!! The back of my head looks absolutely awful and the top hasn't grown in properly. The hairline is pluggy, the hair is not dense, and I have huge holes in my head.

I've spent probably £1800 on SMP and now I'm going to try and fix the damage with another transplant, and I may even have to end up doing two transplants to fully fix the damage.

So overall, £10,000+ to fix a €2000 garbage job by the crooks of Asli Tarcan.

Don't do it. Find someone with a legit track record.

As someone who went to a hairmill myself, I do agree with this.
It's just not worth the risk (even know mine has been fine thus far).

Going to a hairmill increases the risk of needing a second/third transplant.
You'll end up spending more than you would've going to a clinic with a legit track record fixing the damage one. 
On top of that, you'll be waiting A LOT longer to get the hair you want.  It's simply not worth the time and money for the risk.

Sorry to hear about your situation.

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Thank you for all your replies, you have made my mind up and I will most likely just go with my original Dr in Istanbul who friends have used so I’ve personally seen the results and I know a lot of research was put it prior to friends getting it done. It would have just been easier getting it done in a place I already was in and go to often to save additional travel and time off work but obviously not worth the risk. 
Another option I have is I’m possibly going to Antalya in October and I believe there are reliable clinics there so I can tie that in with my holiday. Can anyone recommend a clinic in Antalya?


Thanks again

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  • Senior Member
5 minutes ago, Nevets said:

Thank you for all your replies, you have made my mind up and I will most likely just go with my original Dr in Istanbul who friends have used so I’ve personally seen the results and I know a lot of research was put it prior to friends getting it done. It would have just been easier getting it done in a place I already was in and go to often to save additional travel and time off work but obviously not worth the risk. 
Another option I have is I’m possibly going to Antalya in October and I believe there are reliable clinics there so I can tie that in with my holiday. Can anyone recommend a clinic in Antalya?


Thanks again

OP, i do not think you have really listened to what we've said. 

Do not rely on an assumption your friends "did enough research so i should be fine". That's literally the most Russian roulette approach you could take. 

Do your OWN research and due diligence. Turkey has very few reputable hair clinics worth recommending but if you insist on going there, have a look on this forum to see which are the trusted Turkey hair transplant clinics and what their results are like on this forum. 

There's also the questions of how old you are, whether you're on medication etc. still all outstanding. 

As a community here, everybody tries to steer people towards good outcomes and help them properly research. 

I have a friend who went to the same surgeon twice in Turkey and believed because it was in a hospital with a doctor, had insurance etc. that he was going to the right place but even by his own admission he admitted he got over harvested and has to wear his hair really short in some places or longer to mask it. 

In many ways, i am glad i never went to get my hair transplant in my early to mid 20s and that now, after properly doing research i feel like i know enough of the bare minimum to make a somewhat informed decision. 

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I don't understand why many think Turkey is the best place for a hair transplant.  Not so, Turkey only has tons of hair mills or pseudo-clinics that make it seem like they are hair transplant clinics.  There it is just that it is easier to "open" a clinic, it takes very little, a few photos stolen from renowned surgeons and passed for them, open a website where you can upload photos, many beautiful words such as "up to 6000 grafts in one day ”, all-inclusive price and that's it for them, because the fish has taken the bite.  You will arrive at the airport where they will pick you up with a driver and take you to your hotel, the next day, they will pick you up and take you to their fake clinic, but you will find yourself in an operating room of some large Turkish hospital, which these impostors have taken in. rent, where you will find young guys ready to operate on you, guys who if you are okay, are interns, if you go wrong, they are guys who maybe the day before were waiters or shop assistants in some boutiques that these scammers pay little money.  Unfortunately when you realize that you screwed up, it will be too late, but the fact that you have found this forum before can already save you, unfortunately many come here only after realizing the mistake.

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2 minutes ago, Egy said:

I don't understand why many think Turkey is the best place for a hair transplant.  Not so, Turkey only has tons of hair mills or pseudo-clinics that make it seem like they are hair transplant clinics.  There it is just that it is easier to "open" a clinic, it takes very little, a few photos stolen from renowned surgeons and passed for them, open a website where you can upload photos, many beautiful words such as "up to 6000 grafts in one day ”, all-inclusive price and that's it for them, because the fish has taken the bite.  You will arrive at the airport where they will pick you up with a driver and take you to your hotel, the next day, they will pick you up and take you to their fake clinic, but you will find yourself in an operating room of some large Turkish hospital, which these impostors have taken in. rent, where you will find young guys ready to operate on you, guys who if you are okay, are interns, if you go wrong, they are guys who maybe the day before were waiters or shop assistants in some boutiques that these scammers pay little money.  Unfortunately when you realize that you screwed up, it will be too late, but the fact that you have found this forum before can already save you, unfortunately many come here only after realizing the mistake.


Because of social media marketing with flashy lifestyle being pushed in every nook and cranny of the internet too. 

People uneducated on what constitutes a "good hair transplant" and imo a fundamental lack of understanding that the back of the head is not a magical well of unlimited grafts. 

You would not believe the amount of people that think the donor area regenerates after extractions are made. 

I think it all ties back to pricing as well. People want to flash the cash at times, but sometimes cheap out on things they shouldn't be. 

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24 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

OP, i do not think you have really listened to what we've said. 

Do not rely on an assumption your friends "did enough research so i should be fine". That's literally the most Russian roulette approach you could take. 

Do your OWN research and due diligence. Turkey has very few reputable hair clinics worth recommending but if you insist on going there, have a look on this forum to see which are the trusted Turkey hair transplant clinics and what their results are like on this forum. 

There's also the questions of how old you are, whether you're on medication etc. still all outstanding. 

As a community here, everybody tries to steer people towards good outcomes and help them properly research. 

I have a friend who went to the same surgeon twice in Turkey and believed because it was in a hospital with a doctor, had insurance etc. that he was going to the right place but even by his own admission he admitted he got over harvested and has to wear his hair really short in some places or longer to mask it. 

In many ways, i am glad i never went to get my hair transplant in my early to mid 20s and that now, after properly doing research i feel like i know enough of the bare minimum to make a somewhat informed decision. 

I am 38 never taken any medication, I used always had a full thick head of hair till my late 20’s and now on top is mainly bald but the sides and back are still really thick

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Don’t make the same mistake as so many others, yes a few decent choices are In Turkey, but the best Drs/Clinics are elsewhere.

Who are you looking at at the moment? The only ones you will see the community recommend are Dr Bicer, Dr Keser, Dr Pekiner, Dr Turan, Dr Gur, Dr Demirsoy + Dr Yaman. But the last couple of names have the occasional poor result. Please don’t even consider any that are “tech based” what you want is Dr involvement + plenty of actual real results. Seriously if you spend enough time looking at results on the forum you will see the damage that can be done, we see it on a weekly sometimes daily basis. 

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12 minutes ago, Nevets said:

I am 38 never taken any medication, I used always had a full thick head of hair till my late 20’s and now on top is mainly bald but the sides and back are still really thick

Can you share some pictures? 

A quick guess on your description makes it seem like you could be a Norwood 5/6 which is really high and basically makes it even more important to go to a place that can no only properly manage your finite donor but artistically recreate the design and give you the proper illusion of density to look good. 

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