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Just a thought, to all you young guys (or old) going through this hair loss troubles!-maybe its not that bad!


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Now, I am not goin to talk about causes, solutions rather lessons I have learnt and may only just have realised, about my expereince, which may be use to others! Well to start off, at school (11-16) I was a nobody, and as such had no luck with any ladies and no confidence. However, when i left and went to college (16-18), i changed my attitude, I was positive, funny, charasmatic and cheeky-my looks had not changed, i was still average looking, but all of the sudden girls wanted to know me; I literally had about 5 obsess over me, never had to ask them out because they asked me out! Then i started to lose my hair at 18 and since then I have not had hardly any attention (few gf's) or confidence. I used to blame this on the hair loss, but it is not, its the fact that hair loss has changed me as a person, and I have only just realised this! How can you be exciting and 'care free', when you worry about if its windy or raining, whether you can put your head under the water when playing water sports at the beach, constantly checking in mirrors, not wanting girls to touch your head, always obsessing over one small part of 'you'! How can you be confident when you hate your appearance? Its just not a nice way to live really. These personality changes are the things that have changed the most and made me less appealing and changed the care free 'happy go lucky' person i once was!


so here is some advice, take it or leave its, by all means try the rogaine, proprecia, wigs or whatever, if you feel that these are right for you. But dont obsess, the chances are you are the only one at this stage that has realised you are losing your hair, at 18 i thought i had lost so much, when looking at pictures it was hardly noticable, live for today not what might happen tommorrow, think what you could achieve if you put all the worry and time into your studies instead of worrying about your hair! Live life to the full, be confident, happy and accept it and have fun! I know it sounds 'easier said than done', as i had some of this advice from family at the time, and ignored it. Just dont obsess, your hair is just ONE part of YOU, there are other much more important things that attract girls (personality), try to be funny, try to find a mutual interest or sport/hobby that can take your mind of it-JUST dont waste your life looking in the mirror wishing it to change, when it prob wont and doesnt even matter that much anyway!


I wish everyone well and to a happy life, because thats the only thing that trully matters!

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  • Senior Member

Now, I am not goin to talk about causes, solutions rather lessons I have learnt and may only just have realised, about my expereince, which may be use to others! Well to start off, at school (11-16) I was a nobody, and as such had no luck with any ladies and no confidence. However, when i left and went to college (16-18), i changed my attitude, I was positive, funny, charasmatic and cheeky-my looks had not changed, i was still average looking, but all of the sudden girls wanted to know me; I literally had about 5 obsess over me, never had to ask them out because they asked me out! Then i started to lose my hair at 18 and since then I have not had hardly any attention (few gf's) or confidence. I used to blame this on the hair loss, but it is not, its the fact that hair loss has changed me as a person, and I have only just realised this! How can you be exciting and 'care free', when you worry about if its windy or raining, whether you can put your head under the water when playing water sports at the beach, constantly checking in mirrors, not wanting girls to touch your head, always obsessing over one small part of 'you'! How can you be confident when you hate your appearance? Its just not a nice way to live really. These personality changes are the things that have changed the most and made me less appealing and changed the care free 'happy go lucky' person i once was!


so here is some advice, take it or leave its, by all means try the rogaine, proprecia, wigs or whatever, if you feel that these are right for you. But dont obsess, the chances are you are the only one at this stage that has realised you are losing your hair, at 18 i thought i had lost so much, when looking at pictures it was hardly noticable, live for today not what might happen tommorrow, think what you could achieve if you put all the worry and time into your studies instead of worrying about your hair! Live life to the full, be confident, happy and accept it and have fun! I know it sounds 'easier said than done', as i had some of this advice from family at the time, and ignored it. Just dont obsess, your hair is just ONE part of YOU, there are other much more important things that attract girls (personality), try to be funny, try to find a mutual interest or sport/hobby that can take your mind of it-JUST dont waste your life looking in the mirror wishing it to change, when it prob wont and doesnt even matter that much anyway!


I wish everyone well and to a happy life, because thats the only thing that trully matters!

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UK lad


This is good advice although like you have experienced it is easier said than done. Thanks for sharing something of your personal experience. I can definitely relate to what you've said.


Best of luck to you with this going forward.

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Thanks for the wisdom.


Looking at this in terms of the larger picture certainly helps lessen the anxiety now. Yet, it's hard to not feel overwhelmed and somewhat 'unlucky' in this gene roulette business. I guess it's one of those things that are much worse in retrospect and takes time to fully grow into.

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Guest wanthairs

UK-Lad, and anyone else.


You are absolutely 100% correct. After I had my first transplant , I kept my head shaved for the first 5 months. I was completely bald for the first time in my life, no hair on the sides, no comb over, plus I had a huge scar across my head. I was so excited about having hair to come that my attitude changed and I became very very successful with women even with the shaved/scarred look-----I will add though , that most women I believ prefer a man with hair, although, many are just fine with a shaven headed guy too.


After being depressed most of my youth over hairloss, then having two hair transplants my advice to hair loss victims is this----


Keep your head totally shaved, go to the gym and build a good body and stay this way for one year before you get a hair transplant. Oh--and use propecia and rogaine to halt further hair loss.

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  • Senior Member

Yeah, I have two issues with this post.


First, you're assuming that the only reason anyone would ever want to fight hair loss is to attract women. Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I'm fighting hair loss because I don't like the way that I would look bald, not because of what anyone else would think of me. It's about ME ME ME.


Second, you assume that you would only want to fight hair loss if you are insecure about your baldness. I disagree. If you want a raise, does this mean that you are insecure about your current salary? Not necessarily. As human beings, we instinctively want MORE MORE MORE, this doesn't mean that we're insecure with what we already have.

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two relevent points, like i said in the post you can take my advice or leave it, its based on my personal experience that i just wanted to share with others who may be going through the same shit as i did! I just wrote how i felt, and how i have regretted spending so much time worrying about this, when i could have been living and having fun! Its hair loss, its not cancer, your not going blind, you havent broke your back and can never walk again; I hate it when people say these things to me, infact it gets on my nerves, but ultimately they are correct, if you got told you had cancer tommorrow, im pretty sure you would not give a feck about your hair loss and i think you would regret all the time you wasted obsessing over it!

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