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Australia-Applied Virtual Skin Technology (AVST)


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Hi Everyone,


The Hair Institute in Australia (the Brent Guerra place) is offering Applied Virtual Skin Technology (AVST) as a non-surgical restoration treatment. I have tried to research this treatment, but, can't find any info.


Does anyone know what this treatment involves?


Is it just a hair system (wig)?


I have tried Minoxidil and Finasteride, but, just not getting the desired results. I am not interested in surgery or a hair system (wig).


Would be great to hear from any other Aussies with experience at The Hair Institute or knowledge of this procedure.



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  • Regular Member

When I see a company that uses terms like "Applied Virtual Skin Technology" and "non-surgical restoration treatment", I run away, holding tightly onto my wallet.


I believe it is unethical and misleading to use such terms - they are not restoring anything and "Virtual Skin" describes nothing more than a hairpiece with a ThinSkin base.


There are other companies that also use similar, misleading pseudo-medical descriptions to convince a prospective client that they offer something special that other sellers don't offer. They also use such terminology to justify ridiculously high prices. I wouldn't do business with any of them.

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  • Senior Member

Its all the same stuff just worded differently..


Its a wig & will require all of the "service" the rest of them need



1417 FUT - Dr. True

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My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


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