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Hairline position vs Aging

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  • Senior Member

Okay, this isn't quite the usual question about hairlines. 

In my early 20s, i didn't have the prominent forehead wrinkles show as much as i do now in my early 30s. I know it's not typically discussed but i kinda pushed my forehead up a little and there's a bit of elasticity there which when done kind of eliminated that wrinkle showing up as much. 

So, i kinda got to thinking how botox for example is used in that area to reduce the appearance of those types of wrinkles as we age. So, is it something we should account for when designing a hairline. Mine for example i would say could be pushed up maybe 1-3cm. So, if say you're at a Norwood 2/3 sorta situation, could you maybe try push for a hairline that's a smidge lower and deemed more aggressive to kind of counter that above situation if you did go down the botox route? 

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