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27 year old Hairloss treatment newbie


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Hello everyone,

I am 27 years old and i am experiencing some hairloss. I am a newbie at this area as I have just started looking into treating my hairloss and I dont have a lot of knowledge. Should I look into doing a hair transplant? Or should I try some medication first? 





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  • Senior Member

I definitely wouldn't rush into a hair transplant. I would likely start with a dermatologists and get on some medication like finasteride, but look into and talk with your Dr about side effects as well. The medication can likely stabilize your hair loss.

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A hair transplant should be your last option. Once you have exhausted everything before that. One way to look at is that if you have tried all other options and have little to no success. You can discontinue or  recontinue those options as you please. But if you were to have a hair transplant whether successful or unsuccessful you cannot reverse what is already done.

in terms of medication side you can take oral drugs (finasteride/dutasteride/minoxidil), topical options (minoxidil), options that are more recently newer (derma rolling/PRP). 

many of these medicinal choices can be discontinued if they exhibit issues with your health at any point in time. Although they are not permanent, they should be first explored (in my opinion) before continuing to a hair transplant because you would want to stabilize the loss of hair as soon as possible and see where your hair continues to develop.

i recommend seeing a dermatologist and perhaps in your physical with your primary ask them to do a blood test for any antibody deficiencies or anything antibody related that could be harming your hair (alopecia - in multiple forms areata[non scarring], ANA, etc) 

If you choose a hair transplant please explore this community. Most often then not you will see that the people who do get a hair transplant talk about doing medical things and take the hair transplant route because they see stagnant results after trying for x amount of time. (Some never take, some are months, and some have been doing for years)

I am in your position but have been taking finasteride for about 4 years then switching to dutasteride the last 2 and have seen really good results over the years. Not as fast as I wanted but I’m considering to not do a hair transplant seeing as I might yield better potential or I may even have worse hair loss. I am looking for really good hair transplant surgeons but I have been too picky that I can’t find anyone. Which also means that I may not be ready. There’s a lot to consider is what I am trying to say. But what I do want to leave with you is to explore as much information as possible before doing something permanent. 

Edited by Vann

Follow my first hair transplant journey

3,252 Grafts a minimum of 6,712 hairs June 2022


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  • Regular Member

I'd say try meds first. Check out my thread, had a lot of regrowth on meds alone. Unfortunately I had no follicles left in my temples to reawaken so went for a transplant. You seem to have coverage it's just thin.... So potentially in with a good shot.


Plus let's say you do get a transplant you'd need to be on meds, so can see if they agree with you and stabilise things. Or if your lucky it could save you a few hundred grafts.

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You should definitely commence on medications for now and see how it progresses. You are starting to have diffuse loss which I think will improve on meds or at least stop it from further loss. 

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Dr. Taleb Barghouthi approved and recommended on the Hair Transplant Network. You can schedule a virtual consultation with me here.

Contact me via WhatsApp at +962798378396 (Jordan) 

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